10:04 uur 13-03-2018

SIA: raad van bestuur keurt concept-jaarcijfers 2017 goed; sterke financiële en commerciële groei

MILAAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De raad van bestuur van SIA, die is samengekomen onder leiding van bestuursvoorzitter Giuliano Asperti, heeft de concept-jaarcijfers van 31 december 2017 beoordeeld en goedgekeurd.

De resultaten van SIA Group wijzen op sterke groei, vooral in termen van omzet, EBITDA en nettowinst, ten opzichte van het boekjaar 2016. Dit is mede te danken aan de positieve bijdrage van P4cards (bedrijf dat in 2017 werd overgenomen) op vlak van kaarten, de omzet van het moederbedrijf en een toename van het aantal elektronische betalingen en het verkeer op het netwerk SIAnet.



SIA: The Board Approves the Draft Financial Statements for 2017 Strong Growth in Financial Results and Business Figures

MILAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Board of Directors of SIA, meeting under the chairmanship of Giuliano Asperti, has examined and approved the Draft Financial Statements at 31st December 2017.

The results achieved by SIA Group show strong growth, especially in terms of revenues, EBITDA and net profit, over those of the 2016 financial year, also thanks to the positive contribution of P4cards (company acquired in 2017) in the cards area, the revenues of the parent company and the rise in electronic payment transactions and volumes of traffic on the SIAnet network.

“The 2017 results confirm the effectiveness of the strategy of growth and internationalization pursued in recent years which has allowed SIA to consolidate its position in the field of digital payments despite highly competitive market conditions. We will carry on along this path through organic development of the business in Italy and abroad and by seeking out extraordinary corporate transactions in line with our growth prospects. Our objective remains to create a hi-tech infrastructure for European payments with innovative, reliable and secure services” said Massimo Arrighetti, Chief Executive Officer of SIA.

In 2017, Group revenues rose to €567.2 million with a growth of €99 million (+21.1%) over 2016. The gross operating margin (EBITDA) also increased to €179.8 million, up by €54.9 million (+44%) and EBIT rose to €108.5 million, up by €4.3 million compared to the previous year (+4.2%).

Adjusted EBITDA, which does not take account of extraordinary events and transactions, amounts to €203 million compared to the €142.6 million of the previous financial year (+42.3%).

Net profit was €80.1 million, up by €9.7 million (+13.8%).

In 2017 the SIA Group processed overall the clearing of 13.1 billion transactions (+7% compared to 2016), 6.1 billion card transactions (+41.1%) and 3.3 billion payment transactions (+7.1%) relating to credit transfers and collections.

On the financial markets, the number of trading and post-trading transactions rose to 56.2 billion from 47.4 billion in 2016, an increase of 18.8%.

SIA handled a volume of traffic of over 784 terabytes of data, up 19.8% compared to 2016, on the 174,000 km of the SIAnet network, with total infrastructure availability and 100% service levels.



Filippo Fantasia – Valentina Piana
Tel. +39 02.6084.2833/2334

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