10:54 uur 19-07-2018

Login VSI revolutioneert comptabiliteitstesten van applicaties


Geautomatiseerde comptabiliteitstesten van grote aantallen applicaties na elke (OS) verandering 

Software oplossingsleverancier Login VSI (www.loginvsi.com), de industriekoploper in VDI en DaaS prestaties en bereikbaarheidstesten, kondigde vandaag zijn nieuwste oplossing aan: Login AT for Application Compatibility Testing.

Grote organisaties gebruiken normaliter meerdere applicaties op hun Microsoft Windows platform. Vakkundige organisaties vereisen een comptabiliteitstest voor elke applicatie na elke upgrade, update of andere verandering in hun relevante infrastructuur.

De groeiende stroom aan veranderingen vergroot de behoefte aan comptabiliteitstesten voor applicaties. Deze stroom beslaat Operating Systems migraties, updates en patches (vergroot door Windows 10), maar ook hardwareveranderingen, configuratieveranderingen, firmware revisies, database of datacenter migraties, upgrades van het servergeheugen en beveiligingspatches zoals voor Meltdown en Spectre.

Om de grote uitdaging van het werkende houden van alle applicaties na elke verandering aan te kunnen, moesten organisaties eerst steunen op dure interne of uitbesteedde “testlegers” of verouderde softwaregereedschappen die moeilijk te gebruiken zijn, en vaak onbetrouwbaar in hun rapportage.

Login VSI Revolutionizes Application Compatibility Testing


Automated compatibility testing of large numbers of applications after every (OS) change

Today software solution provider Login VSI (www.loginvsi.com), the industry leader in VDI and DaaS performance and availability testing, announced its newest solution: Login AT for Application Compatibility Testing.

Large organizations typically have numerous applications running on their Microsoft Windows platform. Quality-driven organizations require a compatibility test for every application after every upgrade, update or other change in their relevant infrastructure.

The growing flow of changes increases the need for application compatibility testing. This flow includes Operating System migrations, updates and patch releases (intensified by Windows 10), but also hardware changes, configuration changes, firmware revisions, database or data center migrations, server memory upgrades and security patches such as for Meltdown and Spectre.

To cope with the huge challenge of keeping all applications working after every change, organizations have had to rely on costly internal or outsourced “testing armies” or on outdated software tools that are hard to use and often unreliable in their reporting.

Login AT leverages the patented virtual user technology from Login VSI to help enterprises lower their cost and risk of operation dramatically, through the automated testing of all applications that are used, after every infrastructure change.

Login AT for Application Compatibility Testing:

  • Is a virtual user based solution to execute health checks on large numbers of applications
  • Automatically starts all available applications and verifies that they started successfully
  • Replaces labor-intensive manual checking of applications after every release of new Vdisks/images, or after any other potentially compatibility affecting change
  • Works in both physical and virtual Microsoft Windows environments

Login AT was named Best of Citrix Synergy 2018 Finalist in the New Technology category.

Login AT is available as a separate solution and as part of Login VSI Enterprise Edition XL. Login AT complements the suite of pro-active testing solutions that Login VSI offers to help large organizations with their change management and business continuity challenges.

“Customers were asking us if our virtual user technology could be used to automate the labor-intensive process of application compatibility testing,” says Eric-Jan van Leeuwen, CEO of Login VSI. “With Login AT we created a solution that is not only easy to implement and use, but also significantly enhances the reliability of the entire application compatibility testing process.”



Login VSI
Frans Wauters
Marketing Director

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