13:07 uur 16-02-2016

Nakina kondigt verbeterd aanbod voor cyberveiligheid aan

OTTAWA, Ontario–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nakina, leider in gebruikersbeheer en configuratiesystemen, heeft vandaag verbeteringen van zijn bekroonde cyberbeveiliging aangekondigd. NI-DEFENDER combineert gebruikersbeheer, configuratie en analysemiddelen. Het stelt dienstverleners in staat risico’s voor hun netwerk te vermijden, aan te stippen en te neutraliseren.

De verbeteringen hebben betrekking op de harmonisering van het beveiligingsbeleid binnen fysieke en virtuele netwerken met meerdere verkopers en verschillende technologieën, sterkere analysemiddelen, het volgen van trends en rapportage. Geautomatiseerd gebruikersbeheer en configuratiemanagement verhogen de veiligheid van een netwerk, versnellen de opsporing en sanering van zwakke plekken en wijzen proactief op slecht geconfigureerde of gecompromitteerde netwerkonderdelen. Het systeem stelt eindverantwoordelijken voor IT-beveiliging en beveiligingsteams in staat de integriteit van netwerken te controleren, te visualiseren en te garanderen.



Nakina Announces Enhancements to its Cybersecurity Portfolio


OTTAWA, Ontario–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nakina, a leader in identity access and configuration management solutions, today announced enhancements to its award-winning cybersecurity solution. NI-DEFENDER combines identity access, configuration management and analytics. It allows service providers to prevent, pin-point, and neutralize network security threats.

New enhancements include security policy orchestration across physical and virtual, multi-vendor and multi-technology networks, enhanced analytics, trending and reporting. Automated identity access and configuration management improves network security, accelerates detection and remediation of vulnerabilities, and proactively pin-points misconfigured or compromised network assets. The solution enables Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and network security operations teams to proactively audit, visualize, and assure the security integrity of network resources.

Nakina will be showcasing NI-DEFENDER at Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona, Hall 7, 7J11, in a multi-technology demonstration featuring Check Point virtual firewalls running on the Wind River® Titanium Server™ NFV infrastructure platform.

“NI-DEFENDER is a new class of security solution for physical, virtual and software defined networks,” states Patrick Rhude, CTO, Nakina. “Insiders are behind 70% or more of all security breaches and 65% of all cyberattacks exploit network vulnerabilities from incorrect or outdated configurations. Complexity arising from IoT, small cells, NFV, and SDN will strain security and network operations teams. Security policy orchestration and advanced analytics proactively protect these complex and dynamic networks.”

“Orchestrated identity access and configuration management will be key to accelerate new services including virtual firewall security services,” said Alon Kantor, Vice President of Business Development at Check Point. “Check Point’s industry-leading next generation threat prevention solutions combined with Nakina’s platform help service providers overcome many of the operational challenges in managing and deploying virtualized, software-defined networks.”

“Security policy orchestration continues to be a complex challenge for real-world deployment of NFV services,” said Charlie Ashton, Senior Director of Business Development for Networking Solutions, Wind River. “With Nakina solutions running on Wind River Titanium Server, service providers can introduce high value NFV services in a powerful carrier grade environment.”

Arrange to meet Nakina at #MWC16.

About Nakina:

Nakina provides network security solutions to the world’s largest global service providers. Nakina’s solutions secure and protect physical, virtual & hybrid mobile networks. Our Secure Network Auditing Platform provides orchestrated identity access and configuration management with security compliance analytics.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160216005186/en/


Rob Marson
VP Marketing

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