14:43 uur 18-02-2016

Egon Zehnder rapporteert consistent sterke groei in 2015

ZURICH & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Egon Zehnder, een internationale leider in werving van bestuurstalent en adviesdiensten, heeft vandaag zijn jaarcijfers van 2015 gepresenteerd. De resultaten waren als volgt:

Omzet 2015

Omzet 2014

Verschil 15/14

CHF 622.3 MM CHF 624.2 MM (0.3%)
EUR 571.5 MM EUR 517.2 MM 10.5%
USD 667.7 MM

USD 692.1 MM


De resultaten van Egon Zehnder steunt op de marktpositie van het niet beursgenoteerde kantoor en verlengde momentum, met aanzienlijke groei in Europa, Azië en Afrika. Daarnaast behield Egon Zehnder zijn groei op de Noord-Amerikaanse markt. De afzetmarkt van de firma bleef stabiel, met 69 kantoren in 41 landen.


Egon Zehnder Reports Consistently Strong Performance for 2015

ZURICH & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Egon Zehnder, a global leader in executive search and talent advisory services today announced its 2015 financial results, reporting as follows:

2015 Revenues

2014 Revenues

Change 15/14

CHF 622.3 MM CHF 624.2 MM (0.3%)
EUR 571.5 MM EUR 517.2 MM 10.5%
USD 667.7 MM

USD 692.1 MM


Egon Zehnder’s 2015 fiscal performance builds upon the privately-held firm’s market position and continued momentum, with notable growth across Europe, Asia and Africa, and sustained growth in the North America market. The firm’s global footprint remained steady with 69 offices across 41 countries.

“We are very pleased with the Firm’s performance in 2015,” stated Rajeev Vasudeva, Chief Executive Officer at Egon Zehnder. “The global market experienced dramatic headwinds that impacted both economic and geopolitical stability. Our ability to both weather the challenges and sustain or grow across geographies affirms the Firm is well positioned to continue to deliver strong growth in 2016. The Firm grew in constant currency terms and maintained its performance level in CHF, even though the Swiss Franc strengthened considerably against most currencies,” noted Vasudeva. He added, “Leadership advisory mandates at the CEO and Board level continue to rise, and require more complex, integrated talent solutions than ever before; affirming top talent is and will remain an organization’s key differentiator to success.”

About Egon Zehnder

Since 1964, Egon Zehnder has been at the forefront of defining great leadership in the face of changing economic conditions and evolving business goals. With more than 400 consultants in 69 offices and 41 countries around the globe, we work closely with public and private corporations, family-owned enterprises and non-profit and government agencies to provide board advisory services, CEO search and leadership succession planning, executive search and assessment, and leadership development. For more information visit www.egonzehnder.com and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.



Egon Zehnder
Hilary Crnkovich, 1-312-260-8978
F: 1-312-782-2846
Head of Global Marketing and Communications

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