SES grote voorstander en steunpilaar van 5G in Europa
LUXEMBOURG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SES S.A. heeft op het GSMA Mobile World Congress bekendgemaakt dat het zich volledig inzet voor een snelle implementatie van mobiele netwerken van de vijfde generatie, beter bekend als 5G. Als een van de oprichters van 5G-PPP (publiek-privaat partnerschap) was SES actief betrokken bij het witboek 5G Empowering Vertical Industries. Dit witboek presenteert 5G-netwerken als een belangrijke faciliteit voor een brede keur aan sectoren, met nadruk op de auto-industrie, transport, gezondheidszorg, energie, productie, media en entertainment.
SES promoot satellieten als essentiële bouwstenen voor een wereldwijde, winstgevende en inclusieve 5G-implementatie. Om het hoofd te bieden aan de gigantische gegroeide vraag naar data, inclusief 5G, is een combinatie van technologieën op aarde en in satellieten nodig. Satellieten spelen een cruciale rol bij een probleemloze uitbreiding van 5G-diensten, omdat ze connectiviteit op zee, in de lucht en in afgelegen gebieden bieden.
SES Strongly Advocates and Supports Future 5G Deployment in Europe
LUXEMBOURG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SES S.A. (NYSE Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG) announced today during the GSMA Mobile World Congress that it is fully committed to the swift deployment of the 5 th generation mobile networks called “5G”. As a founding member of the 5G-PPP (Public Private Partnership), SES actively took part in the 5G PPP whitepaper entitled “5G Empowering Vertical Industries”. The whitepaper presents 5G networks as a key enabler for a broad range of industries, especially the automotive, transportation, healthcare, energy, manufacturing and media and entertainment sectors.
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SES actively promotes satellite as an essential building block for a global, profitable and inclusive 5G deployment. In order to cope with the tremendous growth of data demand, including 5G requirements, a combination of terrestrial and satellite wireless technologies is needed. Satellites play a key role in allowing the seamless extension of 5G services, by providing connectivity on the sea, in the air and to remote land areas.
“5G must be a seamless integration of different network technologies,” said Karim Michel Sabbagh, President and CEO of SES. “No single technology will be able to cope with the data challenges that networks are facing. Only a smart combination of infrastructure will be able to meet the constantly growing demand. Satellite plays a significant role in video broadcasting, trunking, backhauling and communications on the move, and also in complementing terrestrial broadband. Thanks to the combination of our GEO satellites and O3b’s MEO satellites, which provides wide coverage and low latency, SES is able to deliver high bandwidth to users. This will be an essential advantage for the 5G networks.”
Read 5G PPP whitepaper “5G and Media & Entertainment”
Read 5G PPP press release “5G key to revolutionizing industry and society”
Read 5G PPP brochure “5G empowering vertical industries”
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About SES
SES (NYSE Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG) is the world-leading satellite operator with a fleet of more than 50 geostationary satellites. The company provides satellite communications services to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, mobile and fixed network operators and business and governmental organisations worldwide.
SES stands for long-lasting business relationships, high-quality service and excellence in the satellite industry. The culturally diverse regional teams of SES are located around the globe and work closely with customers to meet their specific satellite bandwidth and service requirements.
SES holds a participation in O3b Networks, a next generation satellite network combining the reach of satellite with the speed of fibre.
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Markus Payer
Corporate Communications
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