17:25 uur 25-02-2016

GSMA kondigt winnaars van Glomo Awards 2016 aan

BARCELONA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De GSMA feliciteert alle winnaars van de Glomo Awards 2016, die zijn uitgereikt in een reeks ceremonies en live tv-presentaties op het Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Televisiepresentatoren Suzi Perry en Ortis Deley maakten de winnaars live bekend op Mobile World Live TV en de officiële ceremonie, die op dinsdag 23 februari plaatshad.

“Onze felicitaties zijn voor alle winnaars en genomineerden van de Glomo Awards van de GSMA”, zei Michael O’Hara, hoofd marketing van de GSMA. “In een opmerkelijk breed veld, met meer dan 930 aanmeldingen en 170 genomineerden, is het een echt uitzonderlijk prestatie wanneer je door onze hoog aangeschreven jury wordt geselecteerd. We bedanken alle deelnemers, juryleden, sponsoren en partners voor hun bijdrage aan de 21ste editie van de Glomo Awards.”


GSMA Announces Winners of the 2016 Glomo Awards

BARCELONA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The GSMA today congratulates all winners of the 2016 Glomo Awards, which were announced during a series of ceremonies and live TV presentations throughout the week at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Awards hosts TV presenters Suzi Perry and Ortis Deley revealed the winners on Mobile World Live TV and at the official awards ceremony, which took place on Tuesday, 23 February.

“Our congratulations to all of the winners and nominees of the GSMA’s Glomo Awards this week of Mobile World Congress,” said Michael O’Hara, Chief Marketing Officer, GSMA. “In what was a remarkably wide field of more than 930 entrants, narrowed to 170 nominees, it is truly an outstanding achievement to have been selected by our esteemed judging panels. We thank all of our entrants, judges, sponsors and partners for supporting the 21st Glomo Awards.”

Also announced in separate ceremonies at Mobile World Congress were winners of the “Government Excellence Awards”, and the “Outstanding Achievement” awards that included the “Chairman’s Award” and an award for “Connected Women Leadership in the Industry”.

The winners of the 2016 Glomo Awards are:

Best Mobile Innovation for Health

Etisalat for Etisalat “Drones for Good”

Best Mobile Innovation for Education

Worldreader and Opera for Worldreader Mobile

Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive

Anagog for Crowdsourced Parking Technology

Best Mobile Payment Solution

Vodafone India for Vodafone M-Pesa Ltd

Best Use of Mobile for Retail, Brands & Commerce

Point Inside for StoreMode™

Best Use of Mobile for Travel, Leisure & Hospitality

SapientNitro for Lufthansa Apple Watch App

Mobile Connect Award for Authentication & Identity

Orange Spain, Telefonica and Vodafone Spain for Mobile Connect

Best Mobile Innovation for ‘The Internet of Things’

SIGFOX – A Global IoT communication service provider

Outstanding Innovation for the Connected Life

Etisalat for Etisalat “Drones for Good”

Orange Spain, Telefonica and Vodafone Spain for Mobile Connect

Best Mobile Service or App for Enterprise

KPN and Accenture for Connected Workers

Best Use of Mobile for Advertising or Marketing

Opera Mediaworks, Mindshare and Wanda Digital for Rexona

Best Mobile Cloud Service or App

InnoQuant for MOCA Platform

Best Mobile Network Solution for Serving Customers

Dialog Axiata PLC for Self-Care Application Framework

Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets

M-KOPA III Solar Home System for M-KOPA Solar

Best Mobile Service for Women in Emerging Markets

Vodafone Telekomunikasyon for Vodafone Kırmızı Işık (Easy Rescue)

Mobile in Emergency or Humanitarian Situations

Flowminder, Ncell and TeliaSonera for Aid the displaced post Nepal earthquake

Best Use of Mobile for Accessibility & Inclusion

Turkcell for Turkcell My Dream Companion Mobile Audio Description

The Green Mobile Award

Telefónica for Telefónica Global Energy Efficiency Programme 2010-2020

Best Mobile Music App

SoundCloud for SoundCloud App

Best Mobile Game

Super Evil Megacorp for Vainglory

Best Mobile App Media, Film, TV or Video

Quickplay for HOOQ app

Best Mobile App for Social and Lifestyle

Turkcell for Turkcell Healthmetre

Most Innovative Mobile App

L’Oréal Paris Worldwide for Makeup Genius

Best Overall Mobile App (Judge’s Choice)

Google Cardboard

Best Smartphone 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Best Low Cost Smartphone (Sub $100)

Xiaomi Redmi 2

Best Mobile Tablet

Microsoft Surface Pro 4

Best Wearable Mobile Technology

Well Being Digital Ltd for ActivHearts

Best Connected Consumer Electronic Device

Samsung for Samsung Gear S2

Best Mobile Infrastructure

Ericsson for Ericsson Radio System

Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough

ZTE for Pre5G Massive MIMO base station

Best Technology Enabler

Accedian and SK Telecom for QoE-Aware SDN Control

Best Solution for Growing Smaller or Independent Networks

Athonet for Athonet Software Broadband Mobile Core Solution

Best Mobile Security or Anti-Fraud Solution

Trustonic for Trustonic Secured Platform

Broadband for All: Outstanding LTE Contribution

Accenture, Oi and TIM Brasil for RAN Sharing

Outstanding Overall Mobile Technology – The CTOs’ Choice

ZTE for Pre5G Massive MIMO base station

Government Leadership Award

The Federal Government of the United Mexican States

Spectrum for Mobile Broadband Award

The Government of the Republic of Colombia

Chairman’s Award

Aircel, Bharti Airtel, Idea Cellular, Tata Teleservices, Telenor and Vodafone for outstanding achievement in support of the GSMA’s Mobile Connect Initiative

Connected Women Leadership in the Industry


This year’s “Chairman’s Award” was presented during a special ceremony on Sunday evening and recognised the collaborative work of six of India’s mobile operators for their work in support of GSMA Mobile Connect, a mobile phone-based authentication solution.

Speaking at the presentation, Jon Fredrik Baksaas, GSMA Chairman, said: “Here at Mobile World Congress last year, I challenged our industry to think big and to make Mobile Connect available to more than one billion consumers around the world and I’m pleased to report that we surpassed that, reaching the 2 billion consumer milestone. These six Indian operator worked ceaselessly throughout 2015 and early 2016 in support of this goal and together, they are worthy winners of the “Chairman’s Award” for 2016.”

The Glomo Awards are judged by independent experts, analysts, journalists, academics and, in some cases, mobile operator representatives. The winner of the “Outstanding Overall Mobile Technology – the CTOs’ Choice” award was selected by a panel of industry-leading CTOs from the worldwide operator community.

2016 Glomo Awards Sponsors

The 2016 Glomo Awards sponsors and partners include: Blancco Technology Group, Category Sponsor for “Best Mobile Technology”; Softonic, Category Sponsor for “Best Mobile Apps”; and Techradar, Official Media Partner.

Full information on the 2016 Glomo Awards can be found at www.globalmobileawards.com.


About the GSMA

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 250 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai and the Mobile 360 Series conferences.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.


For the GSMA
Charlie Meredith-Hardy
+44 7917 298428
CMeredith-Hardy@webershandwick. com
GSMA Press Office

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