15:59 uur 29-02-2016

FlexTrade wint prijs voor Beste technologieleverancier – Algemeen

GREAT NECK, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– FlexTrade Systems, Inc., leider in systemen voor uitvoering en ordermanagement bij beleggen, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het de winnaar is van de categorie ‘Beste technologieleverancier – Algemeen’ van de Wall Street Letter Institutional Trading Awards 2016. De prijzen werden op 23 februari uitgereikt op 583 Park Avenue in New York.

De WSL Awards zijn in het leven geroepen voor handelaren, beurzen en handelsplatforms die actief zijn binnen de institutionele handel en zichzelf hebben bewezen in het afgelopen jaar.


FlexTrade Wins Award for “Best Technology Provider – Overall”

GREAT NECK, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– FlexTrade Systems, Inc., a global leader in multi-asset execution and order management systems, today announced it has won the “Best Technology Provider — Overall” category at the Wall Street Letter Institutional Trading Awards 2016 ceremony, which was held at 583 Park Avenue in New York on February 23.

The WSL Awards are designed for brokers, exchanges and trading platforms operating within the institutional trading industry who have proved themselves over the course of the preceding year.

According to Vijay Kedia, President and CEO of FlexTrade, winning this award category is especially gratifying in that it recognizes the breadth and depth of FlexTrade’s trading solutions. “When FlexTrade started in 1996, our single platform was the FlexTRADER EMS, which sought to level the playing field for the buy-side in trading equities. Now our trading solutions have expanded to cover both the buy-side and sell-side, and globally handle multiple asset classes – equities, FX, options, futures and fixed income.”

Kedia continued: “And our solutions didn’t stay limited to the EMS. We also offer OMS technology, state-of-the-art TCA, and advanced analytics, which covers predictive forecasting, execution strategy development and portfolio trade scheduling. Combining all of these elements with unparalleled market access, multiple third-party integrations and a global footprint, you’ll appreciate why we’re honored by judging panel’s choice.”

About FlexTrade Systems, Inc.

Founded in 1996, FlexTrade Systems, Inc. is the industry pioneer in broker-neutral algorithmic trading platforms for equities, foreign exchange and listed derivatives. With offices in North America, Europe and Asia, FlexTrade has a worldwide client base spanning more than 175 buy-side and sell-side firms, including many of the largest hedge funds, asset managers, commodity trading advisors, investment banks and institutional brokers. For more information, visit FlexTrade Systems at  www.flextrade.com or follow news of the company on Twitter at  www.twitter.com/flextrade or LinkedIn at  http://www.linkedin.com/company/flextrade.


James Tolve, 516-304-3601
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