HuffPost Canada verzorgt livestream van discussie met Justin Trudeau
TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Justin Trudeau, minister-president van Canada, en The Huffington Post Canada (HuffPost Canada) houden om 12.30 p.m. (EST) een wereldwijd als livestream uitgezonden bijeenkomst voor een discussie over buitenlands beleid en de plek van Canada op het internationale toneel. Slecht enkele dagen voor zijn historische staatsbanket met Amerikaans president Barack Obama, beantwoordt Trudeau vragen van het publiek en lezers, die deelnemen via sociale platforms van HuffPost, inclusief Facebook Live, Twitter en Snapchat.
“Dit is een geweldig voorbeeld van digitale mogelijkheden die tot belangrijke, direct gevoerde gesprekken met politieke leiders leiden, met behulp van een platform dat wereldwijd een divers publiek van 191 miljoen lezers kan bereiken. Vanuit HuffPost Canada faciliteren we een mondiaal en open gesprek naar onze vijftien internationale edities op eigen en sociale platforms, waarin de premier aandacht besteedt aan het buitenlandbeleid van Canada. We zijn vereerd dat hij HuffPost heeft gekozen als platform voor zijn dialoog”, zei Rashida Jeeva, hoofd content AOL Canada en algemeen directeur van The Huffington Post Canada.
HuffPost Canada Hosts Live Stream Global Town Hall with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau |
TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joins The Huffington Post Canada (HuffPost Canada) today at 12:30 p.m. EST for an exclusive live stream global town hall on foreign policy and Canada’s place on the global stage. Just days before his historic state dinner with U.S. President Barack Obama, Trudeau will be responding to questions from a live audience as well as from readers through HuffPost’s social platforms, including Facebook Live, Twitter, and Snapchat. “This is an incredible example of how digital properties are leading important conversations in real-time with today’s political leaders, using a platform that can reach a diverse audience of 191 million* readers globally. From HuffPost Canada to our 15 international editions, we are facilitating a global and open conversation across our own and social platforms for the prime minister to address Canada’s foreign policy. We are truly honoured that he has chosen HuffPost as the platform to start this dialogue,” said Rashida Jeeva, head of content at AOL Canada and general manager of The Huffington Post Canada. Host Althia Raj, HuffPost Canada’s Ottawa bureau chief and author of Contender: The Justin Trudeau Story, will lead the discussions on-air and across social media during the 60-minute event. Howard Fineman, the global editorial director of HuffPost, will join her in the town hall. The prime minister will take questions submitted from Canadian and international HuffPost editors and readers via video, social media, and a live audience. Watch the event live on The Huffington Post Canada and follow the conversation on social via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and using the hashtag: #TrudeauTownHall. VisitThe Huffington Post Canada for more details on the live stream and post-event coverage including clips, photos, and highlights from the town hall. *Source: comScore Multi-Platform Worldwide Audience Custom Report, December 2015, Custom Entity About The Huffington Post The Huffington Post is a Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, features, and entertainment, as well as a highly engaged community for opinion and conversation. The site has 100,000 bloggers — from politicians, students and celebrities to academics, parents and policy experts — who contribute in real-time on the subjects about which they are most passionate. The Huffington Post has editions in the UK, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Maghreb, Germany, Brazil, South Korea, Greece, India, Australia and the Arab world. The Huffington Post is part of AOL Inc. View source version on Contacts AOL/The Huffington Post Canada |