Dubai Outsource City: Pink Parking aangekondigd op Internationale Vrouwendag
DUBAI, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dubai Outsource City (DOC), onderdeel van TECOM Group, verwelkomde dinsdag meer dan duizend vrouwen ter ere van Internationale Vrouwendag, de dag die de sociale, economische, culturele en politieke prestaties van vrouwen wereldwijd onder de aandacht brengt.
Ter gelegenheid van deze dag organiseerde DOC samen met vrouwelijke ondernemers en zakenpartners een dag vol activiteiten, gericht op zelfverzekerdheid en het welzijn van vrouwen. De activiteiten bestonden onder meer uit yoga, sh’bam, soundhealing, en capoeira, naast gesponsorde prijzen.
DOC, dat een thuis biedt aan meer dan achtduizend werknemers, van wie 35 procent vrouw, lanceerde ook een Pink Parking. Dit concept biedt vrouwen een comfortabelere werkplek en omgeving.
Dubai Outsource City Announces Pink Parking Initiative to Mark International Women’s Day
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dubai Outsource City (DOC), part of TECOM Group, welcomed over 1,000 women on Tuesday to celebrate International Women’s Day, which highlights the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world.
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To mark the occasion, DOC hosted a day of activities in partnership with female entrepreneurs and business partners, with a focus on promoting confidence and wellness among women. Activities included yoga, sh’bam, sound healing and capoeira sessions in addition to prizes sponsored by the community partners.
DOC, which is home to over 8,000 employees out of which approximately 35% are females from over 50 nationalities, also launched their new ‘Pink Parking’ concept, to provide these women with a more comfortable workplace and environment. Going forward, every female driver in DOC’s car will be clearly marked with a Pink Parking sticker, and they will have designated parking spots near the buildings’ entrances and exits to increase their safety and comfort. This concept has been successful in countries like Korea and Hong Kong and while it’s the first of its kind in UAE, is expected to gain momentum over the period of time.
Dubai Outsource City (DOC), formerly Dubai Outsource Zone and part of TECOM Group, is a unique business community dedicated to the growth and development of the outsourcing industry. Strategically located at the crossroads of East and West, DOC caters to a variety of markets and provides a complete ecosystem for organisations across the outsourcing value chain to set up their business in the region. Launched in 2007 by Dubai Internet City, DOC provides a wide range of services including a robust IT infrastructure, facilities management and 24-hour security, and is comprised of shared services organisations such as airlines and banks in addition to those in the fields of business process outsourcing (BPOS), HR and ICT outsourcing, back office and call centre operations. This unique structure allows organisations to base all of their outsourcing work in one centralised community and offers the opportunity to network with other companies in the zone. DOZ is home to more than 140 companies including major industry players Emirates, Interglobe and Genpact.
*Source: ME NewsWire
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for Dubai Outsource City
Alexa Hooft Graafland, +971-55-559-7404 m