09:39 uur 17-03-2016

Segway: order van algehele uitsluiting uitgegeven door ITC van VS

BEDFORD, N.H.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Segway Inc. heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat de International Trade Commission (ITC) van de Verenigde Staten een order van algemene uitsluiting (General Exclusion Order, GEO) heeft uitgegeven in het onderzoek No. 337-TA-935, aangaande bepaalde persoonsvervoersmiddelen, onderdelen en handleidingen die een inbreuk vormen op bepaalde patentrechten van Segway. De GEO verbiedt de invoer in de Verenigde Staten van bepaalde transportmiddelen die specifieke claims in het Amerikaanse patent No. 8,830,048 schenden. Dit invoerverbod geldt voor de termijn waarin het patent van kracht is, ongeacht de afkomst van de producten.

De ITC heeft ook een beperkte uitsluiting uitgegeven die ongeoorloofde invoer verbiedt van persoonsvervoermiddelen, onderdelen daarvan en handleidingen die worden gedekt door bepaalde claims in Segways Amerikaanse patenten Nos 6,789,640 en 7,275,607, de Amerikaanse ontwerppatenten Nos D551,722 en D551,592 en de Amerikaanse auteursrechtregistratie TX-7-800-563.


Segway Announces the Issuance of a General Exclusion Order by the U.S. ITC

BEDFORD, N.H.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Segway Inc. (“Segway”) announced today the issuance of a General Exclusion Order (“GEO”) on March 10, 2016 by the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) in Investigation No. 337-TA-935, pertaining to certain personal transporters, components and manuals that infringed certain patent rights of Segway. The GEO prohibits from entry into the U.S. personal transporters that infringe certain specified claims of Segway’s U.S. Patent No. 8,830,048 for the life of that patent, irrespective of the source of the products.

The ITC also issued a limited exclusion order prohibiting the unlicensed entry of infringing personal transporters, components thereof, and manuals therefor that are covered by certain claims in Segway’s U.S. Patent Nos 6,789,640 and 7,275,607, U.S. Design Patent No. D551,722 and D551,592 and U.S. Copyright Registration No. TX-7-800-563, each as manufactured abroad by or on behalf of, or imported by or on behalf of, certain Respondents named in the Investigation and their affiliates. Lastly, the ITC issued a cease and desist order against a defaulting U.S. Respondent prohibiting the sale of infringing personal transporters, components thereof, and manuals therefor that have already been imported into the U.S.

The ITC issues a GEO in situations where it determines that a GEO is necessary to prevent circumvention of an exclusion order limited to products of named persons and/or because there is a pattern of infringing conduct and it is difficult to identify the source of the infringing products.

Segway filed the complaint that led to the subject Investigation on September 9, 2014, against numerous Respondents, including manufacturers, importers and distributors of personal transporters, components thereof, and manuals therefor, alleging infringement of its intellectual property and requesting that the ITC initiate an investigation. The issuance of the GEO marks a successful conclusion of the Investigation for Segway.

Segway owns over 400 patents and patent licenses of core technologies in personal transporters area, accumulated over 16 years of innovation and R&D. Segway respects the intellectual property of others and expects these entities to do the same. Segway remains committed to pursuing legal enforcement against those who do not respect Segway’s intellectual property.

About Segway Inc.

Segway Inc., based in Bedford, New Hampshire, USA, is the world’s leading provider of personal electric transportation. Its international network currently includes more than 250 distributor, dealer and experience center retail points in 80 countries. For more information about Segway, visit www.segway.com.


Segway Inc.
Faye Liu, +86 18600218915
Chief Operating Officer Assistant

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