15:43 uur 29-03-2016

Finstar Financial Group versterkt fusie- en overnamecapaciteiten en jaagt groeikansen in fintech na

MOSKOU–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Finstar Financial Group kondigt de verdere versterking van zijn fusie- en overnamecapaciteiten aan. Paul Muhr is onlangs toegetreden tot Finstar. Hij geeft leiding aan projecten op gebied van fusies, overnames en kapitaalmarkten. Deze ontwikkeling helpt Finstar de aanzienlijke groeikansen in financiële technologie te verzilveren.

Paul Muhr heeft meer dan negen jaar ervaring in de bankensector, waarvan hij bijna zeven jaar als zakenbankier aan verscheidene fusies en overnames, beursgangen en financieringsrondes werkte voor voornamelijk banken en financierders uit Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika. Voor zijn aantreden bij Finstar werkte hij als vicepresident bij Citi. Daarvoor, tussen 2010 en 2015, werkte hij voor Goldman Sachs in Londen en Moskou.


 Enhances Its M&A Capabilities as It Pursues Substantial Growth Opportunities in Financial Technology

MOSCOW–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Finstar Financial Group announces the further enhancement of its M&A capabilities. Paul Muhr recently joined Finstar and has been appointed to lead the Group’s M&A and Capital Markets projects. The corporate developments will help Finstar capitalize on the substantial growth opportunities in the financial technology industry.

Paul Muhr has more than 9 years of experience in banking of which he spent almost 7 years in investment banking working on various M&A, IPO and financing projects for FIG clients, predominantly banks and consumer finance companies in EMEA. Prior to joining Finstar, he most recently worked as a Vice President at Citi and was previously at Goldman Sachs in 2010-2015, based both in London and Moscow. From 2007-2010, he worked at Citi in London, where he started his career.

Nicholas Jordan, CEO of Finstar, commented: “Finstar is developing an impressive financial technology portfolio that will deliver substantial growth, as our investments address revolutionary challenges facing the financial services industry”.

“With the adoption of fintech services anticipated to double in 2016 among digitally active consumers, fintech disruption has gathered momentum that will not subside. Clients seek unparalleled speed and convenience that can only be achieved with a focus on data and the industry’s rapid rise presents significant opportunity for consolidation. We are delighted to welcome Paul to the team and know that his experience and insights will be instrumental as we reinforce our commitment to the sector”.

This current appointment is in line with Finstar’s strategy to grow its financial technology and consumer finance capabilities. The company recently established strategic partnerships with several fast-growing lenders across Europe, including Spanish financial group Prestamos Prima (the companies plan to jointly extend its P2P platform Viventor), and Euroloan, a Northern European fintech company. Last year, Finstar also announced the launch of its own portfolio company, Digital Finance International, with the aim of applying technology to deliver tailored consumer lending solutions globally.

About Finstar

Finstar Financial Group is an international private equity group. Founded in 1996, the Group has significant experience in launching start-up projects and in restructuring and expanding of companies in selected industries. Finstar operates in financial markets, the IT and telecoms field, perfumery-cosmetic retailing and in commercial and trade real estate. The Group has under its management assets worth a total of more than $2 billion. Over the years Finstar has developed substantial operational experience which helps to implement a value-adding strategy, introducing high international standards of corporate governance, innovation, marketing and building competitive advantages, all of which are vital to create value in the long-term.

Read more about Finstar: www.finstar.com


Finstar Financial Group
Public relations
Larisa Shishkina
Marina Evseeva
Tel: +7 905 529 12 52
E-mail: Shishkina@finstar.com
orInstinctif Partners
David Simonson
Mark Walter
Tel: +44 20 7866 7887
E-mail: David.Simonson@instinctif.com

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