Galaxy 2021 van Pacific Controls creëert op Microsoft Azure ongekende mogelijkheden voor overheden en bedrijven
DUBAI, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Pacific Controls (PCS) en Microsoft hebben vandaag bekendgemaakt dat Galaxy 2021 beschikbaar is op Azure, waarmee ze zakelijke en publieke klanten intelligentere oplossingen voor het internet der dingen (IoT) bieden.
G2021, een IoT-gateway die grote aantallen protocollen ondersteunt en het vermogen heeft alle bedrijfsonderdelen te integreren, is in januari 2016 gecertificeerd voor Microsoft Azure. Het platform is nu wereldwijd beschikbaar voor de IoT-markt van Microsoft.
Klanten van PCS zijn dankzij G2021 nu in staat bedrijfsonderdelen (gebouwen, voertuigen, industriële apparatuur enzovoorts) te verbinden met het Galaxy-platform op Azure. Deze verbindingen worden met behulp van creatieve visualisaties geanalyseerd, wat gebruikers werkbare inzichten in het gebruik van onderdelen en bedrijfsprocessen oplevert voor het oplossen van onregelmatigheden, proactief en vooruitziend onderhoud, een hoge uptime, kostenbesparingen, minieme koolstofuitstoot, verbeterde aftermarketdiensten en operationele efficiëntie. Fabrikanten en distributeurs profiteren ook van de gegevens uit Galaxy 2021 die nuttig zijn voor productverbetering.
Pacific Controls Galaxy 2021 Platform on Microsoft Azure is Creating Limitless Opportunities for Governments and Businesses |
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Pacific Controls (PCS) and Microsoft announced delivery of Galaxy 2021 on Azure, offering smarter IoT solutions and services to government and business customers worldwide. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: ![]() G2021, an IoT gateway device supporting large numbers of protocols and capable of integrating all assets was certified for Microsoft Azure in January 2016, is available for sale globally on Microsoft IoT marketplace. PCS customers are now able to connect their assets (buildings, vehicles, industrial equipment etc.) to the Galaxy platform on Azure, utilizing G2021 and analyzed through creative visualizations, extracting actionable insights into the use of assets and business processes, identify and fix anomalies, undertake proactive and predictive maintenance, ensure high up-times, reduce costs, save energy, minimize carbon footprints, and improve aftermarket services and achieve operational efficiency. Product manufacturers and distributors are also leveraging business intelligence from Galaxy 2021 to augment R&D for improving their products. The gateway is capable of a secure and encrypted two-way communication facilitating remote detection and diagnostics of any anomalies which can be fixed by fine tuning systems or by injecting new algorithms, reducing costs of rolling trucks for onsite activities. “PCS is delighted with the Microsoft partnership to make unique capabilities of Galaxy 2021 platform and G2021 gateway available globally through Microsoft Azure and Microsoft IoT marketplace,” said Mr. Dilip Rahulan, Executive Chairman and CEO, PCS. He added: “PCS and Microsoft aim to enhance offerings leveraging complementary technologies of both parties, including integration of Microsoft IoT hub, creation of machine learning opportunities to improve performance of assets, and utilizing certain other capabilities of Microsoft IoT suite.” Samer Abu Ltaif, Regional General Manager, Microsoft Gulf said: “Pacific Controls is one of our most important strategic partners. By leveraging Microsoft Azure and Pacific Controls Galaxy 2021 platform and G2021 gateway devices, which are certified for direct integration with the Azure platform, we are creating unparalleled opportunities in the digital technologies space.” He added: “Both parties are committed towards increasing further integration of complementary technologies that will go a long way in enhancing digital solutions for our valued customers.” For details, visit & *Source: ME NewsWire View source version on Contacts Watermelon PR |