14:30 uur 15-04-2016

Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft capaciteiten voor geavanceerde productie kleine modulaire kernreactoren

SPRINGFIELDS, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het Verenigd Koninkrijk de geavanceerde capaciteiten heeft die noodzakelijk zijn voor de productie van reactordrukvaten voor kleine modulaire kernreactoren van Westinghouse. Een reactordrukvat is een van de grootste en meest veeleisende onderdelen van een kernreactor. Deze bekendmaking volgt op een zorgvuldig onderzoek naar de productiecapaciteiten in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, uitgevoerd door het Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC). Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van Westinghouse’ aanbod van kleine modulaire kernreactoren aan de Britse overheid.


UK Capable of Westinghouse SMR Advanced Manufacturing


SPRINGFIELDS, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company announced that the U.K. has the advanced manufacturing capabilities necessary to effectively manufacture the Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor’s (SMR) Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV), one of the largest and most demanding parts of any reactor. The announcement follows a careful study of U.K. manufacturing capabilities by the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC) and is an important part of Westinghouse’s SMR offer to the U.K. Government.

“The ability to locally source the steel, forge, machine and then assemble all of the Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor RPVs is a significant finding and builds on our unique offering to the U.K. Government,” said Jeff Benjamin, Westinghouse senior vice president, New Plants and Major Projects. “We are confident that our innovative approach and ability to localize our supply chain and manufacturing in the U.K., further demonstrates our commitment to developing SMR technology in the U.K.”

The Nuclear AMRC’s study builds on their extensive experience in design for manufacturing large complex parts for safety-critical nuclear applications, drawing on broad academic and industry knowledge. The manufacturing study determined that Westinghouse’s use of U.K. advanced manufacturing techniques offers a potential 50 percent reduction in delivery lead times and offers substantial cost savings to SMR manufacturing. The U.K.’s strong nuclear supply chain, as well as Westinghouse’s commitment to SMR technology, would promote economic growth and job creation in the U.K.’s nuclear industry.

“The results of this manufacturing study demonstrate the important role that Nuclear AMRC can play in identifying efficiencies within the advanced manufacturing process to significantly reduce capital costs and drive project savings, whilst also highlighting key opportunities for the U.K. supply chain, which can only benefit the U.K. economy,” said Mike Tynan, chief executive officer, Nuclear AMRC.

Westinghouse’s existing U.K. footprint supports the Nuclear AMRC study supporting localization and advanced manufacturing. The company’s Springfields facility outside of Preston is a strategic national asset, employing more than 1,000 and allows for SMR fuel to be manufactured locally, something no other SMR technology provider currently offers.

To learn more about Westinghouse Electric Company and our 130-year legacy of innovation visit  www.westinghousenuclear.com.

About Nuclear AMRC: The Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre works with companies along the supply chain to improve manufacturing capabilities and performance for civil nuclear and other innovative energy industries. It is part of the U.K. government-backed High Value Manufacturing Catapult, and managed by the University of Sheffield. For more information, see: namrc.co.uk


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