14:35 uur 19-04-2016

AlphaCipher rondt overname technologieplatform van Vadium af

SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AlphaCipher Acquisition Corporation maakt met blijdschap bekend dat de overname van het AlphaCipher Technology Platform (ATP) en aanverwante activa uit de failliete boedel van Vadium Technology, Inc. (VTI) is voltooid. In samenhang met de afronding van de aankoop heeft VTI zijn naam veranderd in VTIAC Holdings, Ltd., door middel van een amendement op zijn statuten. AlphaCipher Acquisition Corporation heeft zich omgedoopt tot Vadium Technology Corporation (VTC).

“We zijn blij dat we de afronding van deze aankoop van het AlphaCipher Technology Platform bekend mogen maken”, zei Rod Nicholls, president en ceo van het bedrijf. “We lanceren een divers portfolio van gebruiksvriendelijke, klantgerichte oplossingen die op maat zijn gemaakt voor de operationele en functionele behoeften van zakelijke klanten in de wereldwijde marktsegmenten voor financiële dienstverlening, telecom, gezondheidszorg, energie, farmacie, ruimteluchtvaart, defensie en nationale veiligheid. Ieder product wordt van begin tot eind ontworpen met systematisch geïmplementeerde protocollen voor veiligheid, privacy en vertrouwen van het hoogste niveau.”



AlphaCipher Closes Acquisition of Vadium’s Technology Platform

SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AlphaCipher Acquisition Corporation (the “Company” or “VTC”) is pleased to announce the closing of the acquisition of the AlphaCipher Technology Platform (“ATP”) and related assets from the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Estate of Vadium Technology, Inc. (“VTI”). Concurrent with the closing of this acquisition, VTI changed its name to VTIAC Holdings, Ltd. by adopting an amendment to its Articles of Incorporation and the Company has changed its name to Vadium Technology Corporation (“VTC”).

“We are pleased to announce the closing of the acquisition of the AlphaCipher Technology Platform,” said Rod Nicholls, President & CEO of the Company. “Moving forward, we will be launching a diverse portfolio of easy-to-use, customer-focused solutions that will be tailored to the operational and functional needs of enterprise customers operating throughout the world in the financial services, telecommunications, healthcare, energy, pharmaceutical, aerospace and defense, and national security market segments. Each of our upcoming products will be specifically architected with the highest level end to end, systemically deployed, privacy, security & trust protocols and processes at their very foundation.”

About Vadium Technology Corporation

Vadium Technology Corporation (formerly known as AlphaCipher Acquisition Corporation) is an early growth stage company that will be delivering trusted, easy-to-use and high-value solutions to the digital privacy, security and trust problems caused daily by hackers, cyber-thieves and economic espionage artists that compromise computer networks and traditional digital security systems. The Company is a privately held firm with headquarters in Seattle, Washington. For more information, please visit http://www.vadium.com.


Vadium Technology Corporation
Lisa Maxwell, +1-206-812-1280 Ext.762

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