16:39 uur 20-04-2016

Noorse skikampioen Magnus Moan spreekt op Nordic Orthopaedic Federation Congress

HOOFDDORP, Nederland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De Noorse wereldkampioen skiën en olympiër Magnus Moan zal zijn opwachting maken op het Nordic Orthopaedic Federation Congress in Linköping, Zweden (27 april). Hij vertelt daar over zijn ervaringen met het EXOGEN Ultrasound Bone Healing System van Bioventus. Moan liep in 2014, middenin een intensieve trainingsperiode, een stressfractuur op in zijn linker hiel. Nadat hij te horen had gekregen dat hij een lange periode rust moest nemen of een operatie moest ondergaan, kreeg hij het advies een laag-intensieve behandeling met gepulst ultrasoon geluid (LIPUS) van EXOGEN te nemen.


Olympic and Norwegian World Cup Medal Winning Skier Magnus Moan to Appear at Nordic Orthopaedic Federation Congress

HOOFDDORP, The Netherlands–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Norwegian World Cup and Olympic skiing athlete Magnus Moan will be appearing at the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation Congress in Linköping, Sweden on April 27 to share his experience using the EXOGEN ® Ultrasound Bone Healing System from Bioventus. In the middle of an intense workout period in late 2014, Moan developed a stress fracture in his left heel. After being advised to either take an extended period of rest or undergo surgery to repair the fracture, he received a recommendation to use a low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) treatment with EXOGEN.

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EXOGEN, which uses LIPUS to help stimulate fracture repair throughout the natural healing process, 1 has an 86% heal rate for fractures not healing on their own, 2 and offers 38% faster healing of fresh fractures. 3,4 In addition, 89% of patients with high-energy, fractures reported healing when treated with EXOGEN. 5 Using EXOGEN as part of his daily routine allowed Moan to accelerate his body’s own healing process and continue his training.

“To achieve good results, I need to be able to keep my focus,” said Moan. “With the ultrasound treatment, I was able to keep all negative thoughts away and prepare myself for the World Cup in Falun a few months later. The device is small, easy to handle and my body responded quickly to the treatment.”

This season Moan is competing again in the World Cup and in an online video found here, Moan shared how EXOGEN helped him return to form last season eventually earning a silver and a bronze medal at the 2015 World Cup in Falun, Sweden.

His physician, Robert Buciuto at St. Olav Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, is also a believer in EXOGEN as a treatment option for fractures.

“Ultrasound treatment with EXOGEN has shown good results in non-unions, comparable to traditional, surgical treatment, and also in fresh fractures like stress fractures. In patients within highly competitive sports, the timetable of the traditional treatment process may not be desirable,” said Dr. Buciuto. “In addition, considering the risk of complications from invasive treatments, the possibility of avoiding surgery is a good alternative that reduces suffering for the patient and costs for society. I believe that we should always keep EXOGEN in mind as a reliable treatment of such patients.”

For more information on EXOGEN, visit: http://exogen.com/nor

About Bioventus

Bioventus LLC is an orthobiologics company that delivers clinically proven, cost-effective products that help people heal quickly and safely. Its mission is to make a difference by helping patients resume and enjoy active lives. Bioventus has two product portfolios for orthobiologics, Bioventus Active Healing Therapies and Bioventus Surgical that make it a global leader in active orthopaedic healing. Built on a commitment to high quality standards, evidence-based medicine and strong ethical behavior, Bioventus is a trusted partner for physicians worldwide.

For more information, visit www.BioventusGlobal.com and follow the company on Twitter @Bioventusglobal

Bioventus, EXOGEN and the Bioventus logo are registered trademarks of Bioventus LLC.

1. Azuma Y, Ito M, Harada Y, Takagi H, Ohta T, Jingushi S. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound accelerates rat femoral fracture healing by acting on the various cellular reactions in the fracture callus. J Bone Miner Res. 2001; 16(4):671-680.

2. Nolte PA, van der Krans A, Patka P, Janssen IM, Ryaby JP, Albers GH Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound in the treatment of non-unions. J Trauma. 2001; 51(4):693−703.

3. Heckman JD, Ryaby JP, McCabe J, Frey JJ, Kilcoyne RF Acceleration of tibial fracture-healing by non-invasive, low intensity pulsed ultrasound. J Bone Joint Surg [Am].

1994; 76(1):26−34.

4. Kristiansen TK, Ryaby JP, McCabe J, Frey JJ, Roe LR Accelerated healing of distal radial fractures with the use of specific, low-intensity ultrasound. A multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 1997;79(7):961−973.

5. Lerner A, Stein H, Soudry M. Compound high-energy limb fractures with delayed union: our experience with adjuvant ultrasound stimulation (EXOGEN). Ultrasonics. 2004; 42(1):915-917.

† A non-union is considered to be established when the fracture site shows no visibly progressive signs of healing.

EXOGEN Summary of Indications for use: – Europe:

EXOGEN is indicated for the non-invasive treatment of osseous defects (excluding vertebra and skull) that includes the treatment of delayed unions, non-unions†, stress fractures and joint fusion. EXOGEN is also indicated for the acceleration of fresh fracture heal time, repair following osteotomy, repair in bone transport procedures and repair in distraction osteogenesis procedures.

There are no known contraindications for the EXOGEN device. Safety and effectiveness have not been established for individuals lacking skeletal maturity, pregnant or nursing women, patients with cardiac pacemakers, on fractures due to bone cancer, or on patients with poor blood circulation or clotting problems. Some patients may be sensitive to the ultrasound gel.

Full prescribing information can be found in product labeling, or at www.exogen.com.


Bioventus LLC
Thomas Hill, 919-474-6715
Berdine Vonk, +31 (0)23 554 88 14

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