16:58 uur 26-04-2016

APQC en Signavio kondigen volledige integratie van raamwerk voor procesclassificatie aan

BERLIJN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– APQC, een wereldwijde autoriteit in keuringen en proces- en prestatieverbeteringen, en Signavio, een toonaangevende aanbieder van software voor bedrijfsprocessen en beleid, kondigen aan dat het Process Classification Framework van APQC is geïncorporeerd in de systemen van Signavio.

Het Process Classification Framework (PCF) van APQC is het meest gebruikte procesraamwerk ter wereld. Het creëert een gedeelde taal voor organisaties en definieert werkprocessen uitvoerig, maar zonder overbodige herhaling. Het classificatiekader voor processen is nu beschikbaar in Signavio’s webbased BPM-systeem. Dit biedt organisaties een eenvoudige manier om hun bedrijfsprocessen te optimaliseren en te ijken. Het raamwerk komt in combinatie met belangrijke KPI-definities en -beschrijvingen die dienen als een standaard.


APQC and Signavio Announce Full Integration of Process Classification Framework


BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– APQC, the world’s foremost authority in benchmarking and process and performance improvement, and Signavio, a leading provider for Business Process and Decision Management software, announce the integration of APQC’s Process Classification Framework® in Signavio’s solutions.

APQC’s Process Classification Framework (PCF) is the most used process framework in the world. It creates a common language for organizations to communicate and define work processes comprehensively and without redundancies. The process classification framework is now available in Signavio’s web-based BPM solution, offering organizations an easy way to optimize and benchmark their business processes. The framework comes along with important KPI definitions and descriptions that serve as a standard, while also being customizable to an individual organization’s requirements.

“The framework and the performance benchmark data are an excellent reference point for business process modeling and improvement initiatives”, says Gero Decker, CEO of Signavio.

The intuitive user interface and collaborative modeling features of the Signavio platform foster the joint design of business processes and serve as an environment for company-wide Business Process Management. The Signavio platform is available for a free 30 day trial. Register now and benefit from the preloaded process classification framework in your workspace.

“We are excited about the benefits Signavio’s users will achieve through the integration of the Process Classification Framework”, says John G Tesmer, Director of Open Standards Benchmarking at APQC.

APQC and Signavio are working on further joint activities and welcome prospects to join them at this year’s free Chicago Event and learn more about the integration of the PCF in Signavio.

About APQC

APQC is the world’s foremost authority in benchmarking, best practices, process and performance improvement, and knowledge management. APQC’s unique structure as a member-based nonprofit makes it a differentiator in the marketplace. APQC partners with more than 500 member organizations worldwide in all industries. With more than 40 years of experience, APQC remains the world’s leader in transforming organizations.

About Signavio

The German software provider, headquartered in Berlin with further locations in Sunnyvale, CA and Singapore, offers a web-based solution for modeling, analysis and optimization of business processes and decisions. As a leading provider of SaaS software for organization-wide Business Process and Decision Management, Signavio brings together the variety of a professional BPM and BDM solution with the benefits of collaboration in the cloud.


Signavio GmbH
Katharina Clauberg

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