10:41 uur 28-04-2016

Wick Hill wint prijs voor ‘Distributeur van het Jaar’ op European IT and Software Excellence Awards van IT Europa

WOKING, Engeland–(BUSINESS WIRE)—Wick Hill heeft de hevig bevochten titel van ‘Distributeur van het Jaar’ gewonnen op de European IT and Software Excellence Awards 2016 van IT Europa. De onderscheiding maakt deel uit van de enige pan-Europese prijzen voor beste werkwijzen en uitmuntendheid binnen de IT-wereld. Wick Hill was winnaar in de categorie leveranciers en krijgt erkenning als distributeur die zijn channelpartners de beste ondersteuning biedt voor uitmuntendheid.

Ian Kilpatrick, bestuursvoorzitter van de Wick Hill Group, zei in een reactie: “Ons model is altijd al anders geweest dan dat van andere distributeurs. Onze primaire focus was én is streven naar uitmuntendheid, met het uitgangspunt dat verkoop- en winstcijfers die weg volgen. We hebben met opzet een kleine portefeuille gehouden, zodat de focus gegarandeerd bij onze partners blijft. Deze prijs erkent de bijdrage van ons hele team aan het waarmaken van die uitmuntendheid. We willen ook graag onze channelpartners bedanken. Dit is een belangrijke en goed getimede prijs, want we vergroten onze aanwezigheid in Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika.”


Wick Hill Wins ‘Distributor of the Year’ at IT Europa’s ‘European IT and Software Excellence Awards.’


WOKING, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Wick Hill has won the strongly contested ‘Distributor of the Year’ title at the IT Europa European IT and Software Excellence Awards 2016. These are the only pan-European awards that recognise best practices and service excellence in the IT community . Wick Hill won in the supplier section which recognises the distributor who best supported its channel partners to deliver excellence.

Ian Kilpatrick, chairman Wick Hill Group, commented: “Our business model has always been different from that of other distributors. Our primary focus is, and always has been, on striving for excellence, with the expectation that sales and profits will follow that. We have always maintained a deliberately small portfolio to ensure focus on our partners. This award recognises the contribution of all of our team to delivering that excellence and we would also like to thank all of our channel partners. This is a very timely and important award, as we are significantly increasing our presence across EMEA.”

Wick Hill is a leading, international value added distributor. The company specialises in exceptional value-added distribution with a focussed portfolio of high growth security solutions. In 2015, Wick Hill became part of Rigby Private Equity (RPE). RPE is building an EMEA-wide, high-value, specialist distribution business, with a common proposition and consistent delivery. Specialist distributor Zycko also recently became part of RPE and the combined Wick Hill and Zycko product portfolio encompasses networking, security, communications, storage, access, performance, monitoring and management.

About Wick Hill

Established in 1976, value added distributor Wick Hill specialises in secure IP infrastructure solutions. The company sources and delivers best-of-breed, easy-to-use solutions through its channel partners, with a portfolio that covers security, performance, access, networking, convergence, storage and hosted solutions.

Wick Hill is particularly focused on providing a wide range of value-added support for its channel partners. This includes strong lead generation and conversion, technical and consultancy support, and comprehensive training. Wick Hill Group is part of Rigby Private Equity, a subsidiary of Rigby Group Investments, an independent company within Rigby Group plc. Wick Hill has its headquarters in the UK and offices in Germany and Austria. Wick Hill also offers services to channel partners in thirteen European countries and worldwide, through its association with Zycko, as part of RPE.



For Wick Hill
Annabelle Brown
01326 318212
mail pr@wickhill.com
https://www.wickhi ll.com

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