10:00 uur 17-05-2016

Supergeleiders voor energietransitie in Europa

BARCELONA, Spanje–(BUSINESS WIRE)—Eurotapes, een van de grootste lopende Europese onderzoeksprojecten naar supergeleiding, levert uitmuntende resultaten op voor industriële toepassingen in sectoren voor elektriciteitsopwekking en –transmissie, magnetische velden voor geavanceerd onderzoek zoals in CERN en ITER, maar ook voor de ruimtevaart en transport.

Het project streeft naar een substantiële kostenverlaging van 100 euro per kiloampère, door het ontwerp van de geleider te vereenvoudigen en een 600 meter lange productie-eenheid van supergeleidende tape op te leveren en tegelijkertijd de prestaties van hoogmagnetische velden bij verschillende temperaturen te verbeteren.


Superconductors for the “Energy Transition” in Europe


BARCELONA, Spain–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Eurotapes, one of today’s largest European research projects on superconductivity, is showing excellent results for industrial applications in sectors including electricity generation and transmission, magnetic fields for highly advanced research as in CERN and ITER, but also aeronautics and transport.

The project aims to reduce substantially the cost of production to 100 €/kA m by simplifying the conductor’s architecture, and to deliver a 600 m long production unit of superconducting tape, while enhancing the performance at high magnetic fields in different temperature ranges.

In the coming decades, new electrical highways will be built across Europe with a much lower voltage than current transmission lines, carrying direct current with an energy efficiency of 95%.

“In the long run, the project will make renewable energy more competitive by allowing off-shore wind turbines to produce a higher amount of electricity, thanks to higher energy efficiency and cost reduction of the generator”, says Xavier Obradors, project coordinator from ICMAB-CSIC.

Several Eurotapes researchers have received awards of excellence for their pioneering contributions to the understanding and enhancement of superconducting tapes. Finally, in addition to large industrial consortia, two spin-offs are involved in the commercial exploitation of the results.

Background: Eurotapes is a 4½-year project involving world leaders in the field of superconductivity at research and industrial level: University of Cambridge, University of Antwerp,University Autonoma de Barcelona, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Ghent University, Vienna University of Technology, Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona , ENEA, IEE Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institut Néel CNRS, IFW, LEITAT, Bruker, Evico, Theva, Nexans, La Farga, Oxolutia, KIT and Deutsche Nanoschicht.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 280432.

This publication reflects only the author’s views. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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