TRUSTECH (inclusief CARTES), het mondiale evenement voor vertrouwenstechnologie
PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De nieuwe editie van het mondiale evenement over oplossingen voor de beveiliging van betalingen, identificatie en verbindingen biedt de beste thematische sessies en een exclusieve selectie sprekers.
De volgende bestuurders geven een toespraak:
JB STRAUBEL, medeoprichter en technologisch topman van TESLA MOTORS
JB is sinds 2005 technologisch topman van ‘s werelds innovatiefste bedrijf, Tesla Motors (uitgeroepen door het tijdschrift FORBES, 2015). JB leidt bij Tesla de technische zaken en het technologisch ontwerp van Tesla-producten, zoals accutechnologie, elektra, motoren, software, firmware en besturing. Hij is bovendien verantwoordelijk voor de beoordeling van nieuwe technologie, onderzoek en ontwikkeling, technische keuring van belangrijke verkopers en het bouwen aan relaties met partners.
ADRIAN LUDWIG, hoofdingenieur Android Security, GOOGLE.
OSAMA BEDIER, oprichter en ceo van POYNT.
RON KALIFA, vicevoorzitter en uitvoerend topman van WORLDPAY.
CASPAR BERRY, risico’s nemen en keuzes maken, POKERSPELER.
TRUSTECH (incorporating CARTES), The Global Event Dedicated to Trust-Based Technologies Announces the Participation of the Sector’s Most Influential World Experts
PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The next edition of the global event focusing on secure payment, identification and connection solutions will offer the best topic-focused conference sessions and an exclusive speaker line-up.
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The following executives will give a keynote speech:
JB has been since 2005 the CTO of the world’s most innovative company, Tesla Motors (as named by FORBES magazine, 2015). At Tesla, JB manages the technical direction and engineering design of the Tesla products including battery technology, power electronics, motors, software, firmware and controls. He also has responsibility for new technology evaluation, R&D, technical diligence review of key vendors, and building partner relationships.
ADRIAN LUDWIG, Director of Engineering, Lead Engineer, Android Security, GOOGLE
Adrian is the Lead Engineer for Android Security at Google. In this role, he is responsible for the security of the Android platform and Google’s applications and services for Android. Prior to joining Google, Adrian held technical leadership positions at Joyent, Adobe, Macromedia, @stake, and the Department of Defense. He has a BA in Mathematics from Williams College and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley.
Over the past decade, technology has transformed the way people shopped. It was time for commerce to catch up! Osama founded Poynt on the belief that payments should be more efficient, transparent and uncomplicated for both merchants and consumers. The Poynt Smart Terminal is moving the payments story forward to a place where every player in the ecosystem benefits.
Throughout his career, Osama has helped shape the entire payments ecosystem. Prior to founding Poynt, Osama served as Vice President of Payments at Google, Head of Google Wallet and held various leadership roles at Paypal, eBay, Gateway Computers and AT&T Wireless.
RON KALIFA, Vice Chairman and Executive Director, WORLDPAY
Ron was appointed as vice chairman and executive director in 2013, having previously been chief executive officer of the organisation for over 10 years. Prior to this Ron held various executive roles within RBS and prior to that within NatWest. Ron is regarded as an expert in the card and payments industry and was recognised as “Industry Personality of the Year” at the 2011 Card & Payments Awards for his commitment and contribution to the field. While Ron has significant experience as a chief executive officer within the payments industry, he has also developed key strengths in mergers and acquisitions and strategy development. Ron is also a member of the Visa Europe board.
Peter Jackson was CEO of the Travelex Group, where he led a major process to transform the company, focused on digital innovation and business re-engineering, and through mergers and acquisitions. Previously, he held senior positions at Lloyds and Halifax Bank of Scotland, and was a consultant at McKinsey & Company. Peter graduated in Engineering from the University of Cambridge.
Santander bank created the corporate Innovation area, to research and anticipate market trends, and design business and customer solutions from a global, disruptive and long-term perspective. The innovation area includes Openbank, the Group´s online bank in Spain.
CASPAR BERRY, Risk Taking and Decision Making, Poker player
Caspar Berry was educated at the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne, before reading economics and then anthropology at Cambridge University.
Caspar Berry is a motivational and keynote speaker specializing in the subjects of risk, decision making, innovation and leadership. He has previously worked as an actor, screenwriter for film and television, sports commentator, entrepreneur and professional poker player. Berry was the presenter and poker expert on a number of TV poker shows. He was an uncredited poker adviser on the 2006 James Bond movie Casino Royale, along with his credited Sky Poker co-host Dr Tom.
About TRUSTECH (incorporating CARTES)
The show was first held over thirty years ago under the name “Cartes Secure Connexions”, to promote the new-born technology of smartcards. Now it has been re-named “TRUSTECH (incorporating CARTES)”, a better reflection of the way the industry and the event have evolved, and of its focus on trust-based technologies
The 2016 edition, to be held from 29 November to 1 Decembe, is expected to bring together more than 18,000 participants from 130 countries, 400 exhibitors and sponsors, and 250 speakers.
Blockchain, Fintech, E-ID, E-Government, and Data Management to be the core themes of the event.
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