Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo presenteert in samenwerking met Nationaal Noh Theater de ‘Noh’, oudste dramavorm ter wereld
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, een van de meest prestigieuze hotels van Japan in Shinjuku, Tokyo, organiseert een speciale tentoonstelling van ‘s werelds oudste vorm van drama, de Noh. De tentoonstelling opent van 1 tot 29 juni 2016 de deuren ter ere van het 45-jarige jubileum van het hotel. Het Nationale Noh Theater voorziet het hotel van een aantal zeer kostbare maskers, kostuums en gerelateerde artefacten die worden gebruikt in Noh. Bezoekers kunnen de expositie gratis bezichtigen. Op 16 juni voert de vermaarde Noh-acteur Yoshimasa Kanze een deel van het toneelstuk Atsumori op, voorzien van specialistisch commentaar. Naast deze opvoering dient het hotel ook een speciaal door de chefkok bereidde lunch op. Bovendien vinden op 22 en 23 juni Noh-demonstraties plaats in de hoofdlobby van het hotel.
Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo Showcases the “Noh,” Oldest Dramatic Form in the World, in Collaboration with the National Noh Theatre |
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, will hold a special exhibition of the world’s oldest dramatic form “Noh” from June 1 to 29, 2016, in celebration of the 45 th anniversary of our hotel’s operations. A number of highly precious masks and costumes used in the “Noh” and related art items will be provided by the National Noh Theatre to be viewed by visitors free of charge. And on June 16, renowned Noh performer Yoshimasa Kanze will perform an excerpt of Noh drama entitled “Atsumori” with special commentary. Along with the performance, lunch course specially prepared by our executive chef will also be served. In addition, free Noh demonstrations will be held in the main lobby of our hotel on June 22 and 23. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: ![]() The classical symbolic art of “Noh” drama has been performed within Japan for over 600 years. Noh’s highly refined movements and theatrics have influenced various arts and it has been registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2008. This special exhibition will be held to not only commemorate the Keio Plaza Hotel’s 45 th anniversary of operations, but also to entertain guests who visit from over 100 different countries by providing them with glimpses of one of Japan’s highly unique art forms. Over 40 different Noh related art items will be displayed, including 6 costumes and 20 masks worn in Noh performances since the Edo Period (1603 to 1868), and various art items documenting the art form of Noh for hotel guests to enjoy. On June 22 and 23 from 2:00p.m., demonstrations of Noh will be performed in the main lobby area of our hotel for guests to enjoy free of charge. About the Keio Plaza Hotel Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (KPH), located in Shinjuku at the very heart of the nation’s capital Tokyo, is one of Japan’s leading international hotels. Our hotel boasts of over 20 restaurants and bars, and we host a wide range of local and international guests who visit us for our open and welcoming facilities, top-notch services, and warm hospitality. For more information about our facilities and services, please visit our website, YouTube, Facebook or Instagram. View source version on Contacts Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo |