IoT Tech Expo: Sprekers van Lufthansa, Samsung, Continental, E.ON, DHL, Vodafone, Coca-Cola, Ubuntu en Statoil volgende week op IoT-conferentie en -expo in Berlijn
BERLIJN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De IoT Tech Expo Central Europe is nog maar enkele dagen verwijderd! Het toonaangevende evenement over het internet der dingen strijkt op 13 en 14 juni neer in het Congress Center van Berlijn, waar het een toonaangevende line-up van sprekers presenteert, de nieuwste technologische innovatie tentoonstelt en tal van netwerkmogelijkheden biedt.
Met de opkomst van Industrie 4.0 is het geen verrassing dat Duitsland het hart vormt van alles wat IoT ademt. Bob LeVitus schreef vorige maand in Mac Observer: “Het is een gigantische en imposante klus om een heel land te laten geloven in Industrie 4.0, maar voor zover ik kan zeggen, doet Duitsland dit niet alleen naar behoren, maar geweldig.” Met dit in het achterhoofd zijn er voorbeeldstudies van Lufthansa, Continental, Berlin Partner en TÜV Rheinland Group, om er een paar te noemen. Daarnaast doen vertegenwoordigers uit Europa, onder wie bestuurders uit Kopenhagen, Stockholm en Bristol, het tweedaagse evenement aan.
IoT Tech Expo: Lufthansa, Samsung, Continental, E.ON, DHL, Vodafone, Coca-Cola, Ubuntu and Statoil Lead Speaker Line-up for Next Week’s Internet of Things Conference & Exhibition in Berlin
BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The IoT Tech Expo Central Europe is just days away! The leading Internet of Things event will arrive in Berlin’s Congress Center on the 13-14 th June where it will host an industry leading speaker line-up, showcase the latest technology innovations and provide an array of networking opportunities.
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With the rise of Industry 4.0, it is not surprising that Germany is at the heart of all things IoT. Bob LeVitus, writing last month for Mac Observer*, argued: “Getting a whole country to buy into Industry 4.0 is a huge and daunting task, but, as far as I can tell, Germany is not just doing it, they’re doing one hell of a job of it.” With this in mind, there will be case studies from Lufthansa, Continental, Berlin Partnerand TÜV Rheinland Group to name a few, across the 2 days in addition to representatives from across Europe including directors of Copenhagen, Stockholm and Bristol.
The speakers will share their knowledge and experiences across a range of industries including manufacturing, logistics, transport, government, energy and automotive. Topics include predictive maintenance, smart logistics, data analytics, connectivity, digitalisation, smart grids, sustainability, developing for the IoT, smart manufacturing, connected homes and car, monetisation and cyber security.
The show has 5 dedicated IoT conference tracks which will cover the entire Internet of Things ecosystem; Connected Industry , Smart Cities , Connecting Living, Data & Security and the free, open conference track; Developing & IoT Technologies .
In additional to the conferences, there will be a free exhibition which will feature the NXP EBV IoT Truck with over 130 live demos,Rutronik’s Distribution Art Car, mini drones, VR goggles, OPC’s connected wall, 3D printers, AI, Connected Ford Mustang, Otto the Robot,Samsung ARTIK demos and more.
To see all of the above and more at the IoT Tech Expo Central Europe, please visit the website to register your pass.
To learn more about the IoT Tech Expo World Series, visit the corresponding sites:
• IoT Tech Expo Central Europe: 13-14 th June, Berlin Congress Center bcc, Germany
• IoT Tech Expo North America: 20-21 st October, Santa Clara Convention Center, CA
• IoT Tech Expo Global: 23-24 th January 2017, Olympia, London
For speaking, sponsorship and exhibitor enquiries please contact the team at or call on +44 (0) 117 980 9023.
* http:/
About IoT Tech Expo
The IoT Tech Expo World Series ( hosts top level content and discussion, introducing and exploring the latest innovations in the Internet of Things arena. It brings together key industries including Manufacturing, Transport, Health, Logistics, Government, Energy and Automotive.
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IoT Tech Expo
Sarah Wheeler
Events Marketing & Conference Executive
+44 (0) 117 980 9023