16:30 uur 16-06-2016

Toppan Vite promoveert David DiDonato en Maggie Ma tot leidinggevenden business development en sales

HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Toppan Vite, een toonaangevende printer van belangrijk drukwerk voor de financiële sector, heeft vandaag de promotie van David DiDonato tot hoofd business development en Maggie Ma tot directeur sales in Oost-Azië bekendgemaakt.

“De promoties van David en Maggie komen in een periode waarin de organisatie zich ontwikkelt en de behoeften van de branche en cliënten snel veranderen”, zei Christabel Lee, algemeen directeur. “De op samenwerking gerichte talenten van beiden is evident – Davids ervaring en inzicht van buiten Toppan Vite helpt ons groeien en Maggies kennis van Azië wordt ingezet voor de groei van ons marktaandeel.”




Toppan Vite Promotes David DiDonato and Maggie Ma to Head its Business Development and Sales Teams in Asia and the U.S.


HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Toppan Vite, a leading financial printer for mission-critical content, announced today the promotion of David DiDonato as Chief Business Development Officer and Maggie Ma as Chief Sales Officer, Asia Pacific.

“David and Maggie’s promotions come at a time when the organization is evolving and the industry and clients’ needs are swiftly changing,” said Christabel Lee, Managing Director. “The collaborative talents that each can bring to the table is evident—David’s extensive experience and insight from outside of Toppan Vite will aid our expansion while Maggie’s Asian knowledge and experience will be leveraged to grow market share.”

David DiDonato comes to Toppan Vite with 15 years of experience in opening new market segments in Asia and five years of experience operating in Northern California’s Bay Area. He played a pioneering role in the growth of Bowne & Co., Inc., once considered the preeminent financial printer in the industry. In addition, he spent over a decade as a top revenue generator and was crucial to the execution of many of the firm’s global offerings.

Maggie Ma worked with the corporate finance teams of various investment banks before joining Toppan Vite. In 2001, she joined Toppan Vite as an IPO sales executive and was duly promoted to Sales Director in 2006 to lead Hong Kong’s IPO team. Shortly after, she was tasked to expand Toppan Vite’s Singapore presence and was promoted to General Manager. In 2014, Ma was promoted to Senior Sales Director in Hong Kong. She has been recognized for her solid experience in executing more than 150 IPOs.

Together, DiDonato and Ma will be responsible for identifying new opportunities in Asia and facilitating closer cooperation with clients across the region. In addition, David will work as a liaison with Toppan Vite’s U.S. operations and will assist with the coordination of cross-border corporate transactions.

About Toppan Vite

Toppan Vite is a fast-growing company specializing in the financial printing, compliance and shareholder communications sectors. The firm has been a pioneer and trusted partner in financial markets in Hong Kong, China and Singapore for over three decades. Toppan Vite has recently evolved into a global company, serving companies, institutions and their legal and banking advisors in Asia, Europe and the U.S. For further information, please visit: www.toppanvite.com.


Amanda Powers, 619-955-7759
Toppan Vite
David DiDonato

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