GSMA roept op tot routekaart naar 4G in Egypte
LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De GSMA doet een beroep op de Egyptische overheid en mobiele sector om nauw samen te werken aan een routekaart naar de succesvolle introductie van 4G-diensten. Egypte is van plan om in de komende weken spectrumvergunningen voor 4G toe te kennen. Het is echter niet duidelijk of er voldoende spectrum beschikbaar zal zijn op voorwaarden die snelle en grootschalige investeringen in 4G-netwerken en -diensten stimuleren.
“Enkele kritieke voorwaarden voor succes moeten helder zijn voordat de lictentietoewijzing voor 4G in Egypte verder kan”, zei John Giusti, hoofd regelgeving van de GSMA. “De GSMA maakt zich zorgen om de beschikbaarheid van voldoende spectrum voor eerlijke, marktconforme prijzen die een volwaardig 4G-netwerk mogelijk maken. Een duidelijke routekaart is noodzakelijk om exploitanten duidelijk te maken wanneer en op welke manier voldoende spectrum beschikbaar wordt gemaakt. We denken dat een dialoog tussen de overheid en sector voorafgaand aan de toekenning van vergunningen meer duidelijkheid kan verschaffen over een plan dat consumenten en ondernemers mobiele breedband van wereldklasse brengt.”
GSMA Calls for 4G Spectrum Roadmap in Egypt
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The GSMA calls for the Egyptian authorities and the country’s mobile industry to work closely together to set a roadmap for the successful introduction of 4G services. Egypt is planning to move forward on licensing spectrum to support 4G in the coming weeks, although it is not yet clear if sufficient spectrum will be made available on terms that will encourage rapid and large-scale investments in 4G networks and services.
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“There are some critical success factors that should to be clarified before moving forward with 4G licensing in Egypt,” said John Giusti, GSMA Chief Regulatory Officer. “The GSMA is concerned about sufficient spectrum being made available at fair, market-reflective prices to support full-fledged 4G rollout. A clear spectrum roadmap is necessary to allow operators to understand how and when sufficient spectrum will be made available. We believe that further dialogue between government and industry ahead of the proposed licensing process could provide clarity on a plan to bring world-class 4G mobile broadband to consumers and businesses across Egypt.”
Based on the GSMA’s international experience, the total amount of spectrum assigned to each operator for 4G needs to be in the range of 2x30MHz to 2x60MHz, across a range of coverage and capacity bands, with a minimum contiguous bandwidth of 2x10MHz in each band (to enable efficient network economics). It is also essential that cost of spectrum access enables the delivery of the long-term social and economic benefits of mobile broadband and takes into account the investment necessary to provide robust networks.
“To ensure the lowest possible cost and best possible experience for consumers, national 4G services must be able to scale rapidly,” added Giusti. “This requires that sufficient spectrum be made available now, and that plans for future spectrum releases are clarified. Having a spectrum roadmap is critical for business and investment planning.”
A recent Memorandum of Understanding between the GSMA, the Government of Egypt and the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) 1 was agreed to promote a regulatory environment in Egypt that stimulates long-term investment in mobile services.
About the GSMA
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with almost 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai and the Mobile 360 Series conferences.
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Charlie Meredith-Hardy, +44 7917 298428
CMeredith-Hardy@webershandwick. com
GSMA Press Office