Ceo Westinghouse weerlegt opmerkingen CB&I
PITTSBURGH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Interim-bestuursvoorzitter en ceo van Westinghouse José Emeterio Gutiérrez heeft de volgende verklaring afgelegd als reactie op opmerkingen van Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V. (CB&I) op 27 juli 2016. De verklaring refereert aan de lopende juridische procedure tussen de twee partijen.
”Verschillende media hebben opgemerkt dat CB&I gelooft dat zij een overschot aan werkkapitaal hebben geleverd en dat Westinghouse een tekort aan werkkapitaal heeft ontdekt van maximaal 2 miljard dollar. Westinghouse heeft volledig voldaan aan alle verplichtingen die zij heeft krachtens de verkoopovereenkomst tussen de twee partijen, en zal dat ook blijven doen.”
Westinghouse CEO Refutes CB&I Comments |
PITTSBURGH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse interim president and CEO José Emeterio Gutiérrez issued the following statement in response to comments made by Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V. (CB&I) on July 27, 2016. The statement references the ongoing legal proceeding between the two parties. “It’s been noted by several media outlets that CB&I believes they provided excess working capital, and Westinghouse has identified a shortfall in working capital of up to $2 billion. Westinghouse has fully met, and will continue to fully meet, all of its obligations under the Purchase Agreement between the parties. “Westinghouse is confident that it followed the process defined in the Purchase Agreement when it determined the working capital of the company delivered at closing. Moreover, the allegations in CB&I’s complaint are inconsistent with the terms of the Purchase Agreement. The exclusive resolution process agreed to by the parties in the Purchase Agreement provides the appropriate and most timely remedy for these differences. “We believe the delays resulting from CB&I’s attempts to circumvent the agreed process are an unnecessary and ineffective use of time and resources.” To learn more about Westinghouse Electric Company and our vision to be the first to innovate the next technology, practice or solution that helps our customers generate safer, cleaner, more reliable energy visit View source version on Contacts Westinghouse Electric Company |