17:15 uur 27-09-2016

Raiffeisen Bank International AG gaat live met Corona Cash & Liquidity van SmartStream

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SmartStream Technologies, specialist in Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM), heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat Raiffeisen Bank International AG proactief reageert op Basel III en een systeem voor rapportage over contanten en liquiditeit heeft geïmplementeerd. Met dit systeem controleert en beheert de bank zijn kapitaalpositie dagelijks binnen de hele bankengroep.

Het Comité van Basel voor Banktoezicht heeft zijn ‘Solide beginselen voor het beheer van het liquiditeitsrisico’ gepubliceerd, met januari 2017 als richtdatum. Raiffeisen Bank International AG anticipeerde in 2014 op de nieuwe regelgeving door het rapportagesysteem Corona Cash & Liquidity te installeren binnen zijn Oostenrijkse afdeling. Het systeem was het resultaat van een vruchtbare samenwerking tussen SmartStream en de afdeling financieel beheer van de bank.



Raiffeisen Bank International AG Goes Live with SmartStream’s Corona Cash& Liquidity Solution


LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SmartStream Technologies, the Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM ®) specialist, today announced that Raiffeisen Bank International AG has taken a proactive approach to Basel III and implemented a cash and liquidity reporting solution – to monitor and manage cash positions on an intraday basis, throughout the group.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has released ‘Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision’ for intraday liquidity management with a target date of January 2017. In 2014, Raiffeisen Bank International AG decided to take a forward thinking approach to combat the impact of the regulation by implementing the Corona Cash & Liquidity reporting solution throughout the Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria. The solution was the result of a successful collaboration between SmartStream’s product development team in Vienna and the bank’s treasury domain experts.

Having a centralised view on all cash positions throughout the bank is critical for cash management, forecasting and trading needs. The solution is able to generate complete reports also incorporating, for example, central bank deposits – helping the bank allocate funds and feed into this report.

Christian Schiebl, Executive Vice President, Corona Business Unit, SmartStream, says: “Basel III highlights how data has to be ‘trusted data’ – with Corona, we have a unique advantage in supplying exactly what the regulators expect. Raiffeisen Bank International AG is the first bank in the region to take such a proactive approach in protecting themselves, as well as their customers, we are proud they have taken such steps. In addition, Corona Cash & Liquidity provides best practises for Corona customers with low effort and implementation risk. ”

Wolfgang Pollak, Senior Asset Liability Manager, Raiffeisen International Bank AG, stated: “SmartStream demonstrated that their data was accurate and supported our strategic goals. The Corona solution also provides real time data from external sources. This is clearly unique and works well for us”.

Notes to Editors

For more information about SmartStream visit:  www.smartstream-stp.com

For more information please visit: www.rbinternational.com


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