17:40 uur 06-10-2016

Avaya werkt samen met Brand Embassy aan digitale klantenservice van Europese ondernemingen

LONDEN & SAN FRANCISCO & PRAAG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Digitaal klantenserviceplatform Brand Embassy is akkoord over een samenwerking met de internationale technologische CRM-specialist Avaya. Samen leggen ze zich toe op een grootscheepse verschuiving in klantinteracties in Europa.

Ceo van Brand Embassy Vit Horky en internationaal accountmanager van Avaya Patrik Monari kondigden de samenwerking aan op het Avaya Forum 2016, dat in september plaatsvond in Praag.


Avaya Partners with Brand Embassy to Provide Digital Customer Service to Enterprises in Europe


LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO & PRAGUE–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Digital customer service platform, Brand Embassy , has agreed a partnership with global technology and CRM specialists, Avaya , in order to better address a major shift to digital customer interactions in Europe.

The partnership was announced at the Avaya Forum 2016, which took place in Prague in September, by Brand Embassy CEO, Vit Horky, and Avaya Global Account Manager, Patrik Monari.

“10 years ago there was no web chat, smartphone apps, social media, and very little email. Today, digital interactions account for over 35% of all customer service interactions and, at the current rate, will overtake voice in two years’ time. We approached Brand Embassy, a recognised leader in the digital customer care segment, to augment our offering for our largest customers in the European region,” statesPatrik Monari, Avaya Global Account Manager

“People use mobile apps and connect with brands on facebook every single day. Done right, Omnichannel customer service can result in higher customer satisfaction, more efficient employees, accelerated response and higher conversion rates. Avaya is a global leader in technology and CRM software, and we’re delighted to commence such a mission-critical cooperation with them,” states Vit Horky , Brand Embassy Founder & CEO

Brand Embassy, whose development team is based in Prague, Czech Republic, is cooperating with Avaya to deliver a truly omnichannel experience in customer service for Enterprise and high-growth customers, mainly from the telco, banking and eCommerce sectors.

Notes to Editors

About Brand Embassy

The top-rated social customer service platform, Brand Embassy, helps companies acquire and retain customers through digital customer service at scale. Our clients are major Enterprises and high-growth companies from the telco, banking and eCommerce sectors, such as: T-Mobile, Telenor, Telefonica, Vodafone, Home Credit, Societe Generale, GE Money, Samsung, Mall.cz, Zoot. Brand Embassy is headquartered in London, with offices in Prague and San Francisco. See more, here

About Avaya

Avaya Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Santa Clara, California that specializes in Internet telephony, wireless data communications, and Customer relationship management (CRM) software, and provides business communication solutions for customer and team engagement. Avaya currently services organizations at over 1 million customer locations worldwide with operations divided globally in 5 regions. See more, here


Brand Embassy
Brendan Donnellan
Marketing Director
Brendan.donnellan@brandembassy. com

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