14:35 uur 07-10-2016

Novaliq versterkt bestuur met nieuwe ceo Christian Roesky

HEIDELBERG, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Novaliq GmbH, een gespecialiseerd bedrijf met een revolutionair platform voor medicijntoediening dat slecht oplosbare geneesmiddelen verandert in effectieve oogheelkundige therapieën, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat Christian Roesky is benoemd tot ceo van het bedrijf. De benoeming treedt op 1 november 2016 in werking. Roesky geeft leiding aan Novaliq, dat innovatieve therapieën voor verschillende oogheelkundige aandoeningen op de markt zet, inclusief droge ogen, glaucoom en netvliesziekten. Voormalig ceo van Novaliq Bernhard Günther zal een nieuwe functie bekleden, hoofd innovatie.

“We zijn erg blij dat Christian aantreedt als ceo van Novaliq”, zei Friedrich von Bohlen, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Novaliq. “Zijn ervaring en bewezen leiderskwaliteiten zijn waardevol voor de ontwikkeling van onze vele medicijnkandidaten, onze klinische onderzoeken, goedkeuringsprocedures en vermarkting. Ik wil Bernhard bedanken voor zijn vele bijdragen aan Novaliq. Als medeoprichter zorgde Bernhard ervoor dat Novaliq unieke oogtherapieën ontwikkelde, kapitaal ophaalde en een team van wereldklasse samenstelde. Dit leidde tot de totstandkoming van de huidige lijn innovatieve producten en de succesvolle marktlancering van NovaTears®, het eerste EyeSol®-product. Ik vertrouw erop dat Novaliq met het leiderschap van Christiande steun van Bernhard blijft groeien en de bedrijfsdoelstellingen haalt.”



Novaliq Strengthens Executive Management Team by Appointing Christian Roesky, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer


HEIDELBERG, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Novaliq GmbH, a specialty pharmaceutical company with a disruptive drug delivery platform that transforms poorly soluble drugs into effective ocular therapeutics, today announced the appointment of Christian Roesky, PhD, as the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective November 1, 2016. Dr. Roesky will lead Novaliq as it develops and brings to market innovative therapeutics for a broad range of ophthalmic indications, including dry eye, glaucoma and retina diseases. Bernhard Günther, formerly Novaliq’s CEO, will take on the new role of Chief Innovation Officer.

“We are very pleased to have Christian join Novaliq’s senior executive team as CEO,” said Friedrich von Bohlen, PhD, Chairman of the Board, Novaliq GmbH. “His experience and proven leadership will be highly beneficial as we move our many drug candidates through product development, clinical trials, approvals and commercialization. I want to recognize and thank Bernhard for his numerous contributions to Novaliq. As the company’s co-founder, Bernhard has led Novaliq to develop a unique ocular therapeutics delivery technology, to raise capital, and to hire a world-class team that has resulted in the development of the current line of innovative products and the successful market launch of NovaTears®, the first innovative EyeSol® product. Under Christian’s leadership and Bernhard’s continued support and guidance, I am confident that Novaliq will continue to drive exceptional growth and reach its business goals.”

Dr. Roesky holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry and brings more than 15 years of eye care as well as extensive operational experience at multiple international pharmaceutical companies to Novaliq. Previously, Dr. Roesky was general manager of Bausch + Lomb GmbH / Dr. Mann GmbH in Berlin; managing director of the Diagnostics Division, and general manager and speaker of the Country Management Board of Abbott GmbH & Co. KG in Wiesbaden; and, general manager of Alcon German & Austria (Novartis).

“It’s a very exciting time to join Novaliq,” said, Dr. Roesky. “In the past year, Novaliq has made tremendous progress to address unmet medical needs, which is strongly demonstrated by the successful launch of EvoTears® in Europe. The success of this launch emphasizes the benefits and efficacy of EyeSol technology positioning us well for the future. I look forward to working with the talented Novaliq team to deliver products that make a real difference to patients suffering from dry eye, glaucoma and retinal diseases.”

“As company founder and entrepreneur, I am keenly aware of the important clinical benefits our EyeSol delivery technology brings to our products,” said Mr. Günther. “I look forward to working with Christian and the Novaliq team in my new role to continue to advance the development of our EyeSol based dry eye, glaucoma and retina products.”

About Novaliq – Novaliq GmbH, founded in 2007, is a Heidelberg based specialty pharmaceutical company focused on ophthalmology. Its mission is to transform poorly soluble drugs into effective ocular therapeutics for both the front and the back of the eye. Novaliq’s proprietary EyeSol technology enhances the topical bio availability, stability and safety of traditionally insoluble or unstable drugs improving the delivery, efficacy and convenience of treatments for ocular surface diseases including dry eye through preservative free and multi dose formulations. Novaliq’s most advanced product is NovaTears with CE-marking based on Novaliq’s proprietary EyeSol technology. NovaTears is marketed under the brand name EvoTears in Europe. More on www.novaliq.com.


Contacts Europe
Novaliq GmbH
Bernhard Günther, + 49 6221 502 5911
Managing Director, CEO
Novaliq GmbH
Oliver Schlüter, PhD, + 49 6221 502 59155
Managing Director, CFO
Contact USA
Scotia Vision Consultants
Michael O’Rourke + 1 813 323 1438

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