15:26 uur 19-10-2016

Razendsnelle opkomst Actility krijgt erkenning met Start-up of the year Award van EY

PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Ceo van Actility Mike Mulica en oprichter en technisch topman Olivier Hersent hebben een nieuwe mijlpaal bereikt in de overgang van Bretonse start-up naar internationale leider in dragende IoT-systemen. De twee bestuurders sleepten de award voor ‘Start-up van het Jaar’ van EY French in de wacht. Deze prijs is de erkenning voor het wereldwijde succes van het bedrijf, niet alleen in Europa. Als cruciale partner voor meer dan de helft van alle landelijke LoRa-netwerken die tot op heden over de hele wereld zijn aangekondigd, is de dragende oplossing van Actility de mondiale goudstandaard.

“Ons bedrijf heeft zich in het afgelopen een versnelde ontwikkeling doorgemaakt”, zei Olivier Hersent op de prijzenceremonie. “Internationale carriers en innovatieve netwerkexploitanten zoeken de beste oplossing voor grootschalige IoT-netwerken met LPWA, en die vinden ze in ons platform ThingPark. Nu de wereld duidelijk ziet dat we de leider zijn in IoT-netwerken van carrierklasse, verwachten we dat ons afzetgebied nog sneller groeit, met iedere maand nieuwe partners. We zien dat toepassingen op grote schaal worden geïmplementeerd. De periode van tests is voorbij; de tijd waarin IoT bedrijven transformeert is eindelijk aangebroken.”



Actility’s meteoric rise to global leadership in IoT recognized by EY “Start-up of the year” Award


PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Actility CEO Mike Mulica and Founder and CTO Olivier Hersent marked another milestone on the company’s journey from innovative Breton start-up to global leader in carrier-grade IoT solutions when they accepted the EY French “Start-up of the Year” award. This achievement recognizes the company’s success on a global scale, not simply in Europe. As an essential partner of well over 1/2 of all full nationwide LoRa networks announced globally to date, Actility’s carrier-grade solution represents the gold-standard around the world.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161018006600/en/

“Our business has accelerated dramatically in the last year”, said Olivier Hersent at the awards ceremony. “Global carriers and innovative network operators are looking for the best solution for large scale LPWA IoT networks, and they’ve found it in our ThingPark platform. Now the world can clearly see that we are the leader in carrier grade IoT networks, we expect our footprint to grow even faster, with new network partners coming on board monthly. We are seeing applications on very large scale deployed. The era of trials has come to an end; the era of IoT transforming businesses wholesale is finally beginning.”

There are two factors driving Actility’s dash into pole position in the race to make industrial IoT a reality. Technology leadership, personified by Olivier Hersent is one; an “all-in” passion for doing business is the transformational ingredient brought by the appointment of US high-tech industry change catalyst Mike Mulica as CEO.

“There are no sectors anymore,” says Mulica. “We’re not only engaging with carriers and network operators. We have a seat at the table with some of the world’s largest tech companies; the names you all know in enterprise technology, and innovative global company is helping them figure out how to do business in the internet of things.”

“Between us, Olivier and I are determined to make sure that Actility becomes the worldwide success story, the undisputed leader in the Internet of Things, that we know it can be. Today we’re very proud to be leading the French Start-Up of the year. Next year, thanks to the outstanding combination of French innovation and US ‘can-do spirit,’ we want to be able look back at this as the moment Actility went global.”

For more information about Actility, please visit www.actility.com

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Anne van Gemert
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