Ecron Acunova voltooit integratie Syneed Medidata
FRANKFURT, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Syneed Medidata GmbH, een bedrijf met een sterke focus op niet-interventionele onderzoeken, databeheer en statistisch programmeren, is met succes opgegaan in de onderzoeksdienstverlener Ecron Acunova GmbH. Het voormalige hoofdkantoor van Syneed Medidata in de Duitse stad Konstanz blijft bestaan.
Ecron Acunova verzorgt al sedert haar beginperiode post-marketing-onderzoeken naar uiteenlopende aandoeningen. In de loop der jaren heeft Ecron Acunova een toegewijd, intern team opgebouwd dat aan alle vereisten voor dit type onderzoek werkt. Met de komst van de groep uit Konstanz wordt dit team veel sterker. Bij Ecron Acunova hebben we veel kennis over de verschillende eisen voor interventionele onderzoeken en niet-interventionele onderzoeken in de praktijk.
Ecron Acunova Completes Integration of Syneed Medidata |
FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The company Syneed Medidata GmbH, with a strong focus on Non-Interventional Studies (NIS), Data Management and Statistics/SAS-Programming has successfully integrated into the full service CRO Ecron Acunova GmbH. The former Headquarters of Syneed Medidata in Konstanz, Germany remains in existence. Full service post marketing studies have been offered by Ecron Acunova teams since the company’s early days for a variety of indications. Over the years, Ecron Acunova has established an in-house, dedicated team to handle all kind of requirements for this type of studies. With the addition of the group from Konstanz this team becomes much stronger. At Ecron Acunova we have a deep understanding of the different requirements between interventional studies and “real-life” NIS studies. Birgit Mund, Head of Business Development, Europe, says: “Despite the fact that EA has a long-standing reputation in conducting Phase II-IV studies, we have also seen the need for a deep understanding of the post-marketing environment and we are proud of conducting those studies by applying tailor-made solutions for classical Non-Interventional Studies, Registries, Authority Imposed PASS, Voluntary PASS, PAES, Market Surveys and Patient & Site Screenings”. While many CROs have the tendency to conduct late stage projects under their regular interventional SOPs, Ecron Acunova has established own processes around conducting NIS studies, allowing adaptation to the specific study needs, and methods to cope with the increased level of missing and inhomogeneous data. The data handling process is streamlined accordingly, as Ecron Acunova is fully aware of the challenge to handle large studies with only a limited budget available. In NIS projects it is important to optimize the data collection and handling from the very beginning. Ecron Acunova has developed an own, fully validated EDC platform specifically for NIS studies, allowing for a very pragmatic approach when it comes to data handling activities. Our EDC system REDCAS sets aside functions often not needed for NIS such as data import, queries and randomization and focuses instead on simplicity of set up and functional aspects. The ease of use of REDCAS also helps to keep up motivation on the users’ side. Anders Malm, Managing Director, says: “At Ecron Acunova we now have an even stronger team to offer to our clients when it comes to all types of late stage projects. Our experienced study teams handle local as well as international studies in the most effective way. In addition, qualified services in Data Management, SAS-Programming, Medical Writing etc. are offered from various locations in order to have the best possible solutions for our customers”. Ecron Acunova ( ) is a full service CRO with predominant presence in Europe and Asia with 30 years of track record. EA offers full-service clinical research including clinical operations, data management, biostatistics, pharmacovigilance, PK/PD services and central lab to pharma, biotech, medical device, nutrition and diagnostic companies. View source version on Contacts Ecron Acunova |