HMTG: De ideale plaats voor innovatie, wetenschap, zaken, banen en de balans met vrije tijd – Regio Hannover 2017
HANNOVER, Duitsland –(BUSINESS WIRE)—Hannover gaat in 2017 weer op de innovatieve en internationale toer. Enkele hoogtepunten op de agenda voor volgend jaar zijn: De educatieve expo IdeenExpo (Expo van Ideën), de Maker Faire als ontmoetingsplek voor alle klusfanaten en knutselaars en de HANNOVER MESSE met Polen als partnerland – om slechts enkele highlights van aankomend jaar te noemen.
HMTG: The Ideal Place for Innovation, Science, Business, Jobs and Work-Life Balance – Hannover Region in 2017 |
HANNOVER, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In 2017, Hannover once again goes innovative and international: the educational exhibition IdeenExpo (Expo of Ideas), the Maker Faire as meeting place for all DIY enthusiasts and tinkerers, and Poland as HANNOVER MESSE partner country – to name just some of the highlights in Hannover’s calendar for the coming year. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: ![]() IdeenExpo and Maker Faire Invitation to innovation: from 10 to 18 June 2017, the organisers of the IdeenExpo (Expo of Ideas), an interactive, hands-on fair that deals with all aspects of education, will encourage youngsters to explore the world of technology and research. There are numerous exhibits from business enterprises, professional associations, universities and schools. Career guidance plays a central role. Build a robot, investigate the scene of the crime or make your own cosmetics – more than 600 workshops guarantee that there is something for everyone. From 25 to 27 August 2017, creative minds, inventors and lateral thinkers will once again present their out-of-the-box ideas at the Maker Faire in Hannover Congress Centrum. The motto “Feel free to touch and try it out” is sure to appeal to younger visitors. Internet portal for specialists: “Welcome to the centre of Europe – select Hannover” The aim of this portal is to draw the attention of qualified specialists to the perfectly networked Hannover Region and provide a compact presentation of the many good reasons for coming to live here. The internet portal provides answers to highly diverse questions on all aspects of education, vocational training, studying and career. It includes, for instance, information and contact details for traineeships and job exchanges, vocational training colleges and career guidance centres. The website also presents courses of study, further education opportunities, the dual study programme and tips for setting up your own business. Life sciences as growth driver The life sciences sector is enjoying dynamic growth and already accounts for more than 70,000 jobs at around 3600 companies. It is consequently of prime importance for Hannover Region. This success can be attributed the numerous internationally renowned institutions such as Hannover Medical School (MHH), the University of Veterinary Medicine (TiHo) and the International Neuroscience Institute (INI).Top-level research institutes and universities offer business enterprises a wide range of options for in-depth scientific cooperation. Located in the immediate vicinity of the MHH, Hannover Medical Park creates an optimum cluster. Klinikum Hannover Region also enjoys an excellent reputation: it is responsible for the management of ten hospitals, making it one of the largest municipally owned hospital groups in Germany. One of the highlights of this sector is the BIOTECHNICA, the leading European life sciences fair, which is held at Hannover exhibition centre every two years. Made in Hannover: home to major players World famous brands have earned Hannover Region an outstanding international reputation as a business location. The automobile industry is especially prominent and includes flagship technical enterprises such as Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Continental, Johnson Controls and WABCO. Many other household names, including Bahlsen, BAUKING, BREE, Heise, KIND Hörgeräte, Komatsu, MTU Maintenance, Rossmann, Sennheiser electronic, Solvay Deutschland, TUI and VSM, are all located here. Major insurance companies such as Concordia, VGH and VHV, and also the Talanx Group, which includes the Hannover Re and HDI brands, as well as financial services provider Swiss Life all have their headquarters in Hannover. The amazing architecture of the Nord/LB headquarters dominates the city skyline; alongside Sparkasse Hannover, it is one of the leading banks in Northern Germany. The media sector is represented by premium players such as the publishing companies Madsack and Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft as well as television producer TVN. In addition to the two major German TV channels NDR and ZDF, various private radio and television companies also broadcast from Hannover, for instance radio ffn, Antenne Niedersachsen, RADIO 21 and CHANNEL 21, a teleshopping channel. Perfectly networked in the heart of Europe As a trade fair and business venue, Hannover Region benefits enormously from its central location in the European transport network. This is where the major west-eastbound and north-southbound road connections, the A2 and A7 motorways, intersect. The Deutsche Bahn ICE high-speed rail network provides direct connections to all German conurbations. Hannover’s central bus station (ZOB) is rated as one of the most modern anywhere in Germany and is served by all major long-distance coach lines and by all main tour operators. Various airlines take you from Hannover Airport straight to all key European destinations and the Mittelland Canal, the longest man-made waterway in Germany, links Hannover with the largest seaports and inland ports on the continent. Service Comprehensive service for setting up a business, career/jobs, vocational education and training as well as for courses of study is available on the Specialists Hannover internet portal. Concentrated information about Hannover Region is available in compact form as a free app called “ Hannover Pro”. 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