16:05 uur 05-01-2017

DLNA volbrengt missie, ontbindt als non-profit beroepsvereniging; SpireSpark neemt de certificering over

PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)—De Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA ®) kondigt vandaag aan dat de organisatie haar missie heeft volbracht en als non-profit beroepsorganisatie wordt opgeheven.

Het certificeren van producten voor de DLNA-standaard wordt overgenomen door een nieuwe professionele dienstverlener die hiervoor is uitgerust met alle testtools,  benodigde apparatuur en deskundigheid.

Deze Smart News Release beschikt over multimedia. Bekijk de volledige versie hier:  http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170105005518/en/

‘’We zijn zeer trots op wat de leden en het personeel van DLNA hebben bereikt – het creëren van ’s werelds grootste aaneengesloten ecosysteem met bijna vier miljoen gecertificeerde units verdeeld over meer dan 25.000 apparaten in de afgelopen dertien jaar’’, zegt Stephan Palm, voorzitter en president van DLNA. “”We danken onze leden voor hun harde werk en toewijding om van DLNA succesvol te maken. We zijn een krachtig voorbeeld van breed gedragen initiatieven die onderlinge uitwisselbaar zijn en zorgen voor het versnellen van innovatie, het creëren van nieuwe markten en het transformeren van de gebruikerservaring.”

DLNA’s certificatie-programma wordt nu aangeboden door SpireSpark International, dat is opgericht door oud-stafleden van DLNA en gevestigd is in Portland, Oregon.

DLNA Fulfills Mission, Dissolves as Non-Profit Trade Association; SpireSpark International to Continue DLNA Certification and Offer Specialized Program Support Services

PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA ®) today announced that the organization has fulfilled its mission and will dissolve as a non-profit trade association. Product certification services for the multimillion-unit DLNA ecosystem will continue to be provided through a newly formed professional services firm with all required DLNA test tools, infrastructure equipment and end-to-end certification expertise.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170105005518/en/

“We are extremely proud of what the members and staff of DLNA have accomplished – creating the world’s largest connected-home product ecosystem with nearly 4 billion units certified across more than 25,000 device models during the past 13 years,” said Stephen Palm, chairman and president of DLNA. “We thank our members for their hard work and commitment to making DLNA one of the industry’s most successful examples of the power of broadly supported product interoperability initiatives for accelerating innovation, creating new markets, and transforming the user experience.”

DLNA’s world-class certification program will now be provided by SpireSpark International, which has been founded by former DLNA executives and will be located in Portland, Oregon. Staffed by the team experienced in all aspects of DLNA Certification, the firm will provide a seamless transition for companies that are currently certifying products or wish to do so in the future. DLNA Certification is now open to all companies, with no DLNA membership required. Access to the comprehensive DLNA test suite including the Conformance Test Tool (CTT), Media Capabilities Verification Tool (MCVT), Awox Golden Reference Devices and many other tools for testing media sharing, including DRM and HTML5, will be available under a new fee structure.

In addition to providing DLNA Certification services, SpireSpark International will also offer specialized program support services for organizations that are running their own programs. SpireSpark International will focus on the following areas: operationalizing certification programs, QA services, engineering services, association setup, conference management, and member marketing services. Leveraging deep experience in highly specialized areas, the organization will deliver these cost-effective services through virtual teams of experts that can be scaled as needed and deployed quickly.

Questions for DLNA can be sent to admin@dlna.org. To contact SpireSpark, visit spirespark.com or send an email toinfo@spirespark.com.

About SpireSpark

SpireSpark International’s mission is to partner with organizations in achieving their goals by providing virtual, customized support that allows them to remain in control of their day-to-day operations, while outsourcing high level projects to experts in the field. SpireSpark International was founded by former DLNA executives. Additional information about SpireSpark is available at spirespark.com.


Digital Living Network Alliance
Megan Dahlen, 253-686-7708

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