19:29 uur 19-01-2017

Phaneesh Murthy treedt toe tot raad van bestuur Cigniti Technologies als niet-uitvoerend bestuurder

HYDERABAD, India–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De internationale veteraan in de IT-branche Phaneesh Murthy, onder wiens leiding bedrijven als Infosys en iGate grote groei doormaakten, is benoemd tot lid van de raad van bestuur van Cigniti Technologies. Hij wordt niet-uitvoerend bestuurder.

Phaneesh heeft 25 jaar ervaring in het organiseren en leiden van grote outsourcingsovereenkomsten voor bedrijven uit de Fortune 500. Phaneesh was voorheen ceo en president van iGate Corporation en internationaal directeur sales en marketing, hoofd communicatie en bestuurder van de Product Solutions Group bij Infosys Ltd. Hij heeft ook verscheidene bedrijven van advies voorzien. Phaneesh staat bij veel mensen bekend als een pionier die organisaties laat groeien en aan een leiderspositie helpt.



Phaneesh Murthy Joins the Board of Cigniti Technologies Inc. as a Non-Executive Director

HYDERABAD, India–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Phaneesh Murthy, global IT industry veteran, who spearheaded the growth story of companies like Infosys and iGate, has joined the board of Cigniti Technologies Inc. as a Non-Executive Director.

Phaneesh is a business leader with 25 years of experience in structuring and managing large outsourcing deals for Fortune 500 companies. Phaneesh’s previous roles include CEO & President of iGate Corporation and Worldwide Head of Sales and Marketing, Head of Communications, and Product Solutions Group at Infosys Ltd. He also consults for various businesses. Phaneesh is widely recognized as an Industry pioneer in propelling organizations to an all-round, multifold growth, and helping them reach leadership positions.

On this momentous occasion, Mr. C V Subramanyam, Chairman and Managing Director, Cigniti, said, “Phaneesh will advise the board and work closely with the Management at Cigniti to drive the business growth. We firmly believe that his association, inputs, and strategic direction will help us further accelerate our journey towards becoming the world’s largest and most respected independent software testing services company.”

Speaking on this occasion, Phaneesh said “In today’s rapidly changing digital world, organizations are powered by intelligent software. Companies are now leveraging DevOps to release applications on an hourly mode, instead of annual basis as was the norm just a few years ago. I am excited to be a part of the company, which is attempting to ensure this agility through its leading IP-Led software testing services.”


Cigniti Technologies Limited (BSE: 534758, NSE: CIGNITITEC; www.cigniti.com), Global Leaders in Independent Software Testing (IST) Services, is headquartered at Hyderabad, India. Cigniti Technologies Inc., a Delaware incorporated corporation, has its principal place of business within US at Irving, Texas and King of Prussia, Philadelphia, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cigniti Technologies Limited, India. Cigniti group’s 2300+ software testing specialists are spread across US, UK, India, Australia, and Canada. Cigniti is the world’s first IST Services Company to be appraised at CMMI-SVC v1.3, Maturity Level 5, and is also ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 27001:2013 certified. Cigniti’s test offerings include Quality Engineering, Advisory & Transformation, Next Generation Testing, Core Testing, and cutting edge Mobile, IoT, and Robotics labs. Having served several Fortune 500 & Global 2000 companies, Cigniti has translated its R&D into BlueSwan, the next generation and proprietary test platform. Leading Analysts like Gartner, Forrester, NelsonHall, Everest, Frost & Sullivan, and Forbes have consistently mentioned, awarded, and commended Cigniti for its leadership and growth in the independent software testing services space.


Cigniti Technologies
Lucy Dass, +91-9618782706
Midhun Pingili, +91 8886093093

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