11:05 uur 20-01-2017

SmartRecruiters presenteert productrelease Winter 2017 voor talentwerving

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SmartRecruiters, het bedrijf voor succesvol personeelsbeleid, presenteert zijn productrelease Winter 2017, een grote upgrade voor talentwerving voor mondiaal opererende bedrijven. Winter 2017 brengt internationale bedrijven geavanceerde nieuwe tools die helpen bij het maken van geslaagde personeelskeuzes in iedere lokale markt. Het platform bevat onderdelen die ondernemingen nodig hebben om op mondiaal niveau te kunnen werken, hun productiviteit op te schroeven en aan de wettelijke vereisten van de lokale markt te voldoen.

De productrelease Winter 2017 is specifiek ontworpen voor het beheer van grote talentpools, duizenden banen en uitgebreide hiërarchische bedrijfskundige organogrammen. Nieuwe functies en eigenschappen van Winter 2017 zijn:

  • De mogelijkheid wervingsprocessen volledig in overeenstemming te laten komen met de mondiale organisatorische structuur.
  • Tools voor de aanlevering van de relevantste en meest praktische informatie voor lokale gebruikers die anders overweldigd zouden raken door het aantal kandidaten, managers en werkplekken binnen een mondiale organisatie.
  • De volledige slagkracht om lokaal gefocuste front-ends voor carrièresites aan te leveren via SmartRecruiters’ API.
  • Krachtige functies die de productiviteit van recruiters opschroeven: een geavanceerde wizard voor de planning, interne mobiliteit en vacaturefuncties en een verbeterde kandidaatsfilter.


SmartRecruiters Announces Talent Acquisition Platform Winter 2017 Product Release


SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SmartRecruiters, the Hiring Success Company, today announced its Winter 2017 product release, a major upgrade to the company’s talent acquisition platform for global enterprises. The Winter 2017 product release delivers advanced new tools that help global enterprises drive hiring success in each local market in which they operate. It offers key components that enterprises need to operate at global scale, that enhance productivity and enable compliance across local markets.

Designed for organizations that need to manage very large talent pools, thousands of jobs and deep hierarchical organizational trees, new features and functionality in the Winter 2017 product release include:

  • The ability to fully align recruitment processes to a global organizational structure.
  • Tools for providing the most relevant and actionable information to local users who would otherwise be overwhelmed by the number of candidates, managers and jobs in a global organization.
  • Full power to provide locally branded career site front-ends with SmartRecruiters’ branded applications API.
  • Powerful features to help recruiters increase their productivity: an advanced scheduling wizard, internal mobility and private job ad features, and enhanced candidate filtering.

The new release will also integrate a number of partner applications and features that extend the capabilities of the SmartRecruiters platform, including WePow for video interviewing, mobile recruiting and talent selection; eSkill for job-based skills testing and assessment; T&CC online for predictive candidate assessments; and Aurico, First Advantage and Employment Background Investigations (EBI) for background screening and drug testing capabilities.

“The SmartRecruiters Talent Acquisition Suite is all about helping our customers achieve hiring success,” commented SmartRecruiters Founder and CEO Jerome Ternynck. “The new functionality found in our Winter 2017 product release will help the largest companies work better in the many local markets where they need to win the war for talent. Recruiters in companies of all sizes will also be delighted with the new tools – particularly the advanced scheduling wizard – and partnerships we are introducing.”

About SmartRecruiters

SmartRecruiters’ Talent Acquisition Suite is used by high-performance organizations for making the best hires. It has full functionality for recruitment marketing and collaborative hiring built on a modern cloud platform, with an open marketplace for third-party recruitment services. Unlike the first-generation applicant tracking systems it replaces, SmartRecruiters provides an amazing candidate experience. Hiring managers actually want to use the product, and recruiters love SmartRecruiters because the platform makes their jobs easier. Companies like Visa, Skechers, Atlassian, Equinox, and Alcoa use SmartRecruiters to make recruiting a competitive advantage. For more information, follow us at @SmartRecruiters, on LinkedIn or on https://www.smartrecruiters.com.


Hannah Ruark, 540-599-7887

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