09:45 uur 25-01-2017

SPREAD stelt Techno FarmTM tentoon op CeBIT 2017, grootste internationale IT-beurs

KYOTO, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SPREAD Co., Ltd. stelt het geavanceerdste systeem voor de productie van groenten, Techno FarmTM , tentoon op CeBIT 2017 (georganiseerd door Deutsche Messe AG) in de Messegelände Hannover. Het evenement vindt van 20 tot 24 maart 2017 plaats in de Duitse stad Hannover.

SPREAD maakt deel uit van het Japan Paviljoen, dat door de Japanse Organisatie voor Buitenlandse Handel is opgezet voor een kennismaking met technologieën uit Japan, dat partnerland is van CeBIT 2017. SPREAD laat alle vernieuwende kenmerken en het informatiesysteem van Techno FarmTM zien. Tegelijkertijd zoekt het bedrijf naar potentiële internationale partners om mee samen te werken aan dit systeem.

Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige rechtsgeldig is.


SPREAD Co., Ltd.
Kiyoka Morita and Minako Ando
PR Division
E-mail: info@spread.co.jp
Tel: +81-75-326-3850
URL: www.spread.co.jp/en


SPREAD Will Showcase “Techno Farm(TM)” at CeBIT 2017, the Largest International IT Business Tradeshow


KYOTO, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– SPREAD Co., Ltd. (HQ: Kyoto, Japan; CEO: Shinji Inada; hereinafter, “SPREAD”) will showcase the most advanced vegetable production system “Techno Farm(TM)” at CeBIT 2017 (organized by Deutsche Messe AG) held at Hanover Fairground in Hanover, Germany from March 20th to 24th, 2017.

CeBIT 2017 is the largest international IT business tradeshow with 3,300 exhibitors from 70 countries, and approximately 200,000 attendees (statistics provided by organizer).

SPREAD will join the “Japan Pavilion” which is organized by Japan External Trade Organization to introduce Japanese technologies as a partner country of CeBIT 2017. SPREAD will showcase the innovations and information system of “Techno Farm(TM)”, while seeking potential international partners to collaborate on this system.

This will be a good opportunity to learn about future prospects of “Techno Farm(TM)” and its technologies. Please come and see SPREAD’s booth.

[Overview of CeBIT 2017]

Tradeshow: CeBIT 2017
Date: March 20th– 24th, 2017, 9:00-18:00
Location: Hanover Fairground
Booth address: A38 in Hall 4 “Japan Pavilion”
URL: www.cebit.de/home

”Techno Farm(TM)”

SPREAD developed the most advanced vegetable production system created by taking advantage of the cultivation techniques and accumulated know-how with the cooperation of technology equipment manufacturers. The birth of many new technologies have come from the world’s first large-scale plant factory such as automated cultivation, water recycling, specialized LED lights for plant factories, and environment controls. In addition, significant cost reductions such as labor costs by 50% and energy costs by 30% have been achieved compared to the Kameoka Plant, SPREAD’s existing plant factory, which addresses the biggest issue facing plant factories.


SPREAD Co., Ltd.
Kiyoka Morita and Minako Ando
PR Division
E-mail: info@spread.co.jp
Tel: +81-75-326-3850
URL: www.spread.co.jp/en



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