Sjeik Mohammed lanceert “Climate Change Reimagined”: een expositie van het Museum of the Future in Dubai
DUBAI, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Zijne hoogheid sjeik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vicepresident en premier van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten en leider van Dubai, heeft vandaag het Museum of the Future geopend. Hij wijdde de installatie in op de vijfde World Government Summit, die van 12 tot 14 februari plaatsvindt in Dubai.
De expositie laat drie ideeën zien over de manier waarop landen klimaatverandering het hoofd kunnen bieden. Het Ministerie van Economische zaken van de VAE voorspelt dat, als er geen duurzame bronnen voor voedsel komen, de kosten voor de import van voedsel verviervoudigen tot 60 procent van het bruto binnenlands product. Volgens de OECD dreigt in 2030 een tekort van 40 procent in de mondiale drinkwatervoorziening, ten opzichte van de wereldwijde waterbehoefte. De stijging van de zeespiegel verdrijft aan het einde van deze eeuw mogelijk 250 miljoen van hun woonplaats en maakt de meeste kuststeden onbewoonbaar.
Sheikh Mohammed Launches “Climate Change Reimagined”: An Exhibition by The Museum of the Future in Dubai |
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)– His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, inaugurated today the Museum of the Future installation at the 5th annual World Government Summit, taking place in Dubai on February 12-14, 2017. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: ![]() The exhibit proposes three ideas for how countries can deal with the consequences of climate change. The UAE’s Ministry of Economy predicts the cost of importing food to quadruple to 60% of GDP by 2025 unless local, sustainable food sources are provided. According to the OECD, the global supply of potable water is projected to fall 40% short of global demand by 2030. Sea level rises could displace more than 250 million people by the end of the century, making most coastal cities uninhabitable. The Museum of the Future exhibit is a unique 4D experience, proposing three bold concepts around food security, water supply and self-sufficient cities: 1. “AutoFarm” – a fully automated robotic urban farm that fills empty parking garages and neighborhood warehouses with food, once self-driving cars make garages obsolete 2. “FreshWater living jellyfish” – a combination of jellyfish genes and mangrove roots to create giant, living fresh water factories off the coast of major cities 3. “City Kit” – a “self-building building” solution using biotechnology and robotics to construct 100% self-sufficient cities in a matter of weeks His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said: “We take the opportunity today to share our vision for the future, and our proposed solutions to face climate change, while exploring all possible opportunities,” He continued. “The Museum of the Future is a global platform where leading experts can identify the most prominent scientific and technological trends of the future. It is a catalyst for future forecasting and study efforts, and plays a pivotal role in setting policies and strategies that allow the world’s governments to benefit from the technologies of the future and their potential.” The Museum of the Future is a permanent installation in Dubai, exhibiting inventions and technologies of the future. It is a dedicated global platform, experimenting with bold ideas and pragmatic solutions, and acts as a real-world incubator for innovation. *Source: ME NewsWire View source version on Contacts World Government Summit |