17:42 uur 27-02-2017

Westinghouse levert OKG tot 2030 kernbrandstof

VÄSTERÅS, Zweden–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company heeft een contract getekend voor de levering van kernbrandstof aan OKG (Uniper), een grote energieleverancier voor basislading van elektriciteitsnetwerken in de Noordse landen. Als de kerncentrale operationeel is en voldoet aan de contractvoorwaarden, blijft Westinghouse tot 2030 brandstofbundels leveren voor de overgebleven reactor 3. Dit contract is een voortzetting van de belangrijke band tussen OKG en Westinghouse’ faciliteit voor producten van kernbrandstof in de Zweedse stad Västerås.

“Dit contract bevestigt het vertrouwen van OKG in het vermogen van Westinghouse Sweden doorlopend hoogwaardige brandstofbundels te leveren. Het is ook een bevestiging van onze positie als toonaangevende leverancier van brandstof voor kokendwaterreactoren in Noord-Europa”, zei Aziz Dag, vicepresident van Westinghouse en algemeen directeur van de afdeling Noord-Europa.



Westinghouse to Supply OKG with Nuclear Fuel until 2030

VÄSTERÅS, Sweden–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company today announced that it has signed a nuclear fuel contract with OKG (Uniper), a major supplier of base load to the Nordic power supply system. Provided the plant is in operation and under the terms of the contract, Westinghouse will continue to provide reload fuel assemblies for the remaining Oskarshamn 3 unit until 2030. This contract continues the important relationship between OKG and Westinghouse’s Västerås Fuel Fabrication Facility in Västerås, Sweden.

“This contract is a confirmation of the extensive trust OKG has put in Westinghouse Sweden´s continued ability to deliver high-performance fuel assemblies. It also confirms our position as the leading BWR-fuel supplier in Northern Europe,” said Aziz Dag, Westinghouse vice president and managing director, Northern Europe.

Westinghouse will deliver its proven and reliable 10×10 SVEA96 Optima3 fuel. In 2018 Westinghouse will also introduce its next generation 11×11 BWR fuel design TRITON11 TM, which has been carefully designed to provide superior fuel economy while maintaining the highest focus on a safe and reliable operation.

“The fuel fabrication facility in Västerås was established to deliver fuel to the Swedish nuclear fuel program. The first delivery was made to OKG’s first reactor Oskarshamn 1, and now, 50 years later, I am proud to say we are still supplying OKG and other customers around the world with the most modern fuel designs,” said Johan Lundberg, managing director, Swedish fuel operations.

To learn more about Westinghouse Electric Company, a Toshiba company, and our vision to be the first to innovate the next technology, practice or solution that helps our customers generate safer, cleaner, more reliable energy visit www.westinghousenuclear.com .


Westinghouse Electric Company
Sarah Cassella
Desk: +1 412-374-4744
Cell: +1 724-272-2997
External Communications Manager

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