18:16 uur 06-03-2017

The Geneva Association: hoe vormt risicomodellering de toekomst van risico-overdracht? Internationale experts wijzen de weg

ZURICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De toonaangevende denktank voor de internationale verzekeringsbranche, The Geneva Association, heet internationale experts welkom op een wetenschappelijk seminar met de centrale vraag “Hoe vormt risicomodellering de toekomst van risico-overdracht?”. Het seminar wordt in samenwerking met de SCOR Foundation georganiseerd en vindt op 9 maart 2017 plaats in het hoofdkantoor van SCOR in Parijs. Het dient als informatiebron van het baanbrekende onderzoeksrapport dat het Extreme Events and Climate Risk Research Programme van The Geneva Association in juni 2017 zal publiceren.

De laatste drieënhalve decennia worden gekenmerkt door de algehele trend van stijgende economische schade als gevolg van extreem weer. Verschillende factoren liggen hieraan ten grondslag, zoals de hogere concentratie mensen en goederen in risicogebieden, slechte stadsplanning, zeer geavanceerde, maar kwetsbare internationale productieprocessen en de toenemende ernst en frequentie van calamiteiten door noodweer, wat in verband wordt gebracht met klimaatverandering.



The Geneva Association: How Will Risk Modelling Shape the Future of Risk Transfer? Global Experts Lead the Way

ZURICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Leading think tank of the international insurance industry, The Geneva Association, welcomes top international experts to discuss and explore the issue – “How Will Risk Modelling Shape the Future of Risk Transfer?” This scientific seminar is co-organised with the SCOR Foundation and hosted at the SCOR Paris headquarters on 9 th March 2017. It will inform a ground-breaking research report by The Geneva Association’s Extreme Events and Climate Risk Research Programme, publishing in June 2017.

The last three and a half decades have witnessed a general trend of rising economic losses associated with extreme events. This is due to multiple factors, including increased concentration of people and assets in exposed areas such as coastal regions, poor development planning and related practices, highly sophisticated but vulnerable global production processes and the increasing severity and frequency of extreme weather-related events linked to a changing climate.

Risk analysis is the foundation for informed decision-making, increasing the understanding of the characteristics of risk, supporting risk pricing, and evaluating cost–benefits of various risk management strategies. In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, a number of major catastrophes in North America and Europe led to unprecedented high losses, resulting in insolvencies and/or bankruptcies in the insurance sector, and pointing to the need for a more rigorous and quantifiable approach to assessing and underwriting risks.

The development and utilization of catastrophe risk models (cat models) over the last 25 years has revolutionized the (re)insurance industry’s approach to pricing, underwriting and managing their complex risk portfolios. Beyond the insurance sector, the international development community has also adopted these models to help governments better understand risk and make risk-based decisions, helping improve disaster and climate risk management decisions.

The seminar brings together leading international experts from the (re)insurance industry, risk modelling community, international organizations, international donors, governments and the scientific community to share experiences and explore opportunities for strengthened cooperation and partnerships. The programme will examine the following critical issues:

(i) Enhancing current cat models – building on lessons learned from their development and utilization over the last 25 years;

(ii) Finding effective pathways to expand risk information and cat risk modelling tools to support public-sector decisions; and,

(iii) Harnessing the latest scientific and technological developments for a new generation of forward-looking risk models.

Dr. Maryam Golnaraghi, Director of the Extreme Events and Climate Risks Research Programme at The Geneva Association, said: “As one of its top priorities, The Geneva Association is convening a diverse group of leading experts in the industry, cat modelling, and various areas of science and technology to explore how risk modelling can shape the future of risk transfer around the world. Specifically, we are not only exploring opportunities to enhance current cat modelling approaches, but also opportunities for harnessing scientific and technological advancements in areas such as environmental surveillance, climate monitoring and forecasting, engineering, big data, and artificial intelligence for development of the new generation of systems-based risk models that can innovate risk transfer.”

Anna Maria D’Hulster, Secretary General of the Geneva Association said, “The insurance industry has deep risk knowledge and is working at the forefront of risk assessment, risk pricing and risk transfer. Public-private partnerships could be instrumental in helping the public sector in developing risk-informed preventive measures and risk transfer programmes that help government, businesses and individuals with managing their risks.”


Notes to Editors

The Geneva Association is the leading international insurance think tank for strategically important insurance and risk management issues. It is a unique platform for dialogue between leaders of the insurance industry and key decision-makers at the international and national levels to evidence the important social and economic role of the insurance industry.

The Geneva Association identifies fundamental trends and strategic issues where insurance plays a substantial role or which influence the insurance sector. Through the development of research programmes, regular publications and the organisation of international meetings, The Geneva Association serves as a catalyst for progress in the understanding of risk and insurance matters and acts as an information creator and disseminator.

The Geneva Association membership comprises a statutory maximum of 90 chief executive officers (CEOs) from the world’s top insurance and reinsurance companies. It organises international expert networks and manages discussion platforms for senior insurance executives and specialists as well as policy-makers, regulators and multilateral organisations.

Established in 1973, The Geneva Association, officially the “International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics”, is based in Zurich, Switzerland and is a non-profit organisation funded by its membership.



The Geneva Association
Isabel Barratt
Communications Manager
+41 44 200 49 96
isabel_barratt@genevaassoc iation.org

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