Ferring Pharmaceuticals: opstaan voor toiletbezoek is grootste oorzaak slechte nachtrust, zeggen experts op World Sleep Day
SAINT PREX, Zwitserland–(BUSINESS WIRE)—Op World Sleep Day raden experts mensen aan zich te verdiepen in de waarde van een goede, gezonde nachtrust. Als ze ’s nachts meer dan één keer uit bed moeten voor een toiletbezoek, hebben ze nocturia. Meer dan een derde van alle volwassenen boven de dertig jaar kampt met deze aandoening; van alle mensen boven de 65 zelfs twee derde.
“Mensen denken dat ’s nachts opstaan voor het toilet domweg deel uitmaakt van ouder worden, maar dat hoeft niet zo te zijn”, zegt Philip Van Kerrebroeck, redacteur van het Nocturia Resource Centre en hoogleraar urologie aan de Universiteit van Maastricht. “Slechte nachtrust kan de gezondheid schaden, dus mensen die ’s nachts meerdere keren uit bed moeten zouden naar de dokter moeten om na te gaan wat de oorzaak is. Het goede nieuws is dat nocturia goed te behandelen is, dus u hoeft niet in stilte te lijden.”
Ferring Pharmaceuticals: Waking up to Go to the Toilet is the Number One Cause of a Poor Night’s Sleep, Say Experts on World Sleep Day |
SAINT PREX, Switzerland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– On World Sleep Day sleep experts encourage people to understand the value of healthy and solid sleep. In particular, if they need to go to the toilet more than once in the night they have nocturia, a condition which affects one in three adults over the age of 30 and two thirds of adults over the age of 65. 1 “People think that getting up in the night to go to the toilet is just part of getting older, but it doesn’t need to be,” says Philip Van Kerrebroeck, Editor of the Nocturia Resource Centre and Professor of Urology at the University of Maastricht. “Poor sleep can seriously damage your health so people who are getting up several times a night should go to their doctor to see what’s causing it. The good news is that nocturia can be treated so you don’t need to suffer in silence.” The broken night’s sleep caused by trips to the bathroom can have huge consequences for mental and physical health. Productivity, relationships and career success can be impacted 4. Lack of sleep can impact all forms of mental functioning, making it much harder to concentrate, remember things and pick up new skills or facts 4. Poor sleep has also been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, weakened immune systems, heart disease and even some cancers 5,6,7. Lack of sleep is also related to many psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety and psychosis 8,9. Nocturia, the need to wake up to pass urine at night, can be caused by an overproduction of urine 3. It can also be caused by external factors such as: excess fluids before bedtime, medications, alcohol, caffeine, or diuretic medications; in rare cases it could also be a symptom of something more serious such as: diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease3. About Ferring Pharmaceuticals: About World Sleep Day Ferring is a proud supporter of World Sleep Day References 1 Bosch JL, Weiss JP. The prevalence and causes of nocturia. J Urol 2010 Aug; 184(2): 440-6. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2010.04.011. View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170316006083/en/ Contacts Ferring Pharmaceuticals |