Tests van waterkwaliteit tien keer sneller dan standaard door nieuwe samenwerking tussen Promega en Applitek
MADISON, Wis.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De waterindustrie heeft vanaf nu toegang tot betrouwbare online metingen van waterkwaliteit met een tien keer hogere sensitiviteit dan de huidige standaard. Promega Corporation en AppliTek (uit België) bundelen hun krachten en leveren geavanceerde technologie voor microbiële controle van drink- en proceswater op ziekteverwekkers.
De EZ-ATP® On-line Microbiology Analyzer van AppliTek werkt met de zeer gevoelige reactant Promega ATP Water Glo™ om microbiële ziekteverwekkers in water op te sporen. Dit gebeurt door middel van metingen van adenosinetrifosfaat (ATP). ATP is een essentieel element in alle levende cellen en organismen, dus de kleinste wisselingen in het ATP-gehalte werken als vroege waarschuwing voor de mogelijke aanwezigheid van gevaarlijke ziekteverwekkers, waarmee het een handig hulpmiddel is voor microbiële controle.
Water Quality Testing Advances Ten Times the Current Standards with new Promega AppliTek Collaboration |
MADISON, Wis.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Rapid and reliable on-line measurement of water quality with sensitivity more than ten times current standards is now available to the water industry. Promega Corporation and AppliTek (Belgium, Europe) are teaming to offer advanced technology for microbial pathogen monitoring of process water and drinking water sources. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170316006246/en/ ![]() The EZ-ATP® On-line Microbiology Analyzer by AppliTek now uses highly sensitive Promega ATP Water Glo™ reagent to determine microbial pathogen load in water through measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is an essential element in all living cells and organisms, so even the slightest change in ATP levels acts as an early warning system to help assess microbial load and the possible presence of dangerous pathogens. The EZ-ATP® is the first on-line system able to measure and report ATP levels according to the well-established ASTM D4012 standard for reporting live bacteria. Other analysis methods used today can take days to report a result and can miss over 90% of the total microbial population. The EZ-ATP® using Promega reagents can detect as little as 50 femtograms/ml ATP in 15 minutes saving time and labor compared to grab sampling and analysis. The partnership leverages the strengths of AppliTek as a leading-edge provider of analytical technology and Promega as the industry’s leading manufacturer of reagents. “Combining these two capabilities allows customers to apply state-of-the-art technologies to critical real-world settings to establish improved efficiencies that may lead to enhanced control and lower operational costs,” said David Laurier, CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board at AppliTek. Automated monitoring of microbial contaminants in water sources has established new interest in the use of ATP bioluminescence, especially in the areas of drinking water safety and homeland security, but also for any industrial process where microbiological water quality is critical such as power plant cooling water or sea water desalinization. In all of these environments, corrective actions depend on timely and sensitive data. AppliTek’s EZ-ATP, working in conjunction with Promega reagents, can test every 15 minutes with one bottle of reagent lasting for up to 25 continuous days, offering a low cost of analysis and minimal reagent replacement relative to a large number of results. “Our experience in bioluminescence for more than 25 years has allowed us to offer one of the most sensitive tools in ATP detection in the industry,” said Patrick Van de Velde, General Manager and Applied Markets Business Unit Leader at Promega. “We are excited our knowledge and experience can be applied to make this very important contribution to the water quality industry.” The system is available for immediate sale. To learn more, visit www.applitek.com/products/ez-atp About AppliTek AppliTek, headquartered in Nazareth, Belgium, is a specialist manufacturer of on-line, automatic analyzers and monitoring systems used in a myriad of environmental and industrial applications. Every day, companies and authorities rely on AppliTek on-line analyzers to monitor and control their assets and operations, in order to achieve compliance, to increase efficiency, to reduce costs and even to enhance safety. For further information about AppliTek, visit www.applitek.com. About Promega Corporation Promega Corporation is a leader in providing innovative solutions and technical support to the life sciences industry. The company’s 3,500 products enable scientists worldwide to advance their knowledge in genomics, proteomics, cellular analysis, drug discovery and human identification. Founded in 1978, the company is headquartered in Madison, WI, USA with branches in 16 countries and over 50 global distributors. For more information about Promega, visit www.promega.com. View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170316006246/en/ Contacts Penny Patterson |