15:47 uur 05-04-2017

Optische communicatieproducten van Sterlite Tech gekwalificeerd volgens Europese verordening bouwproducten

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sterlite Tech [BSE: 532374, NSE: STRTECH], toonaangevend in intelligentere digitale netwerken, levert nu kwalitatief hoogstaande optische-vezelkabels die voldoen aan de Europese verordening EU305/2011 inzake Bouwproducten. Alle kabelproducten in de EU moeten voldoen aan de eisen van de verordening en voor 1 juli 2017 een CE-markering voeren.

Sterlite Tech werkt samen met grote telecomexploitanten, internetproviders en gemeenten aan de verwezenlijking van de ambitieuze doelen die de Europese Commissie heeft gesteld voor een Gigabit-maatschappij, waar in 2025 alle internetverbindingen ultrasnel zijn: 1 Gbps voor dienstverleners en ondernemingen met intensief digitaal verkeer, 100 Mbps voor alle huizen in stedelijk en landelijk gebied en ononderbroken 5G-breedband voor alle stedelijke gebieden.


Sterlite Tech’s Optical Communication Products Now Qualified with Europe’s CPR

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sterlite Tech [BSE: 532374, NSE: STRTECH], an end-to-end global technology leader in smarter digital networks, is now providing high-quality optical fibre cables qualified with harmonised European EU305/2011 Construction Products Regulation (CPR). All cable products in EU need to meet the CPR qualification and carry the CE marking by July 1, 2017.

Sterlite Tech is partnering with leading global telecom operators, ISPs and municipalities to realise the European Commission’s aggressive targets to create a Gigabit society through ultra-fast internet access by 2025 – 1 Gbps connectivity for providers of public services and digitally intensive enterprises, 100 Mbps speed for all urban and rural homes, and uninterrupted 5G broadband coverage for all urban areas. Fibre connectivity is imperative to realise this vision, and as a leader in creating smarter digital infrastructures, Sterlite Tech is enabling this roll-out in Europe and other geographies.

Elaborating on the importance of CPR, Dr. Anand Agarwal, CEO, Sterlite Tech, said, “We design, build, and manage networks for urban and rural connectivity, smart cities, defence and the global telecom industry. We build safe and ‘future-proof’ smarter networks to enable ultra-high speed connectivity. Hence, we understand the criticality of CPR qualification and have adopted it.”

Announcing the CPR compliance, Dr. Badri Gomatam, Chief Technology Officer, Sterlite Tech, said, “Our range of internal optical-fibre cables are now compliant with CPR and available with measured Euroclass CE marking and labelling. These optical communication products will significantly improve safety in buildings and civil engineering works, while ensuring long-lasting performance, efficiency, and scalability.”

Sterlite Technologies is an integrated global technology player with presence in over 100 countries, and a strong portfolio of 130 patents. The company is particularly strong in Europe, with technology, sales, distribution and service centres. In the last nine months, Sterlite Tech’s international sales contributed 37% of its overall revenues, while Europe contributed 28% of exports.

About Sterlite Technologies:

Sterlite Technologies Ltd [BSE: 532374, NSE: STRTECH], is a global technology leader in smarter digital networks. With a pure-play telecom focused business that develops & delivers optical communication products, network & system integration services and OSS/BSS software solutions, Sterlite Tech has sales network in six continents. The Company has manufacturing presence in India, China & Brazil, and aims to transform everyday living by delivering smarter networks. With a strong portfolio of over 130 patents, Sterlite Tech is home to India’s only Centre of Excellence for broadband research. Projects undertaken by the company include intrusion-proof smarter data network for the Armed Forces, rural broadband for BharatNet, Smart Cities’ development, and establishing high-speed Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks.

For more details, visit www.sterlitetech.com.


Sterlite Technologies Ltd
Vishal Aggarwal, +91.20. 30514000
Sumedha Mahorey, +91. 22. 30450404

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