17:09 uur 11-04-2017

Sigma Systems: Stratecast promoveert catalogus als bron van waarheid in hybride netwerken

TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sigma Systems, de snelste weg naar de creatie, verkoop en oplevering van digitale producten, was onlangs onderwerp van een rapport van Stratecast|Frost & Sullivan met de titel Cataloging the Future for Hybrid Services. Het rapport maakt inzichtelijk waarom het product en de servicecatalogus in vergelijking met andere OSS-oplossingen geschikter zijn voor werkzaamheden binnen een hybride netwerk.

“Nergens anders kunnen configuratiedata, product- en servicebeschrijvers, ordermanagementprocessen, configure-price-quote-attributen en gegevens van zowel de fysieke als virtuele netwerkonderdelen worden gecombineerd en gecorreleerd”, zei auteur Tim McElligott, senior analist van de afdeling Operations, Orchestration, Data Analytics & Monetization van Stratecast. “Catalogi ondersteunen specificaties en informatiemodellen van zowel ETSI als TM Forum.”



Sigma Systems: Stratecast Promotes the Catalog as the Source of Truth in Hybrid Networks

TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sigma Systems, the fastest path to creating, selling and delivering digital products and services was recently featured in a Stratecast|Frost & Sullivan report entitled Cataloging the Future for Hybrid Services. The report outlines why the product and service catalog is more easily adapted for working in a hybrid network than other traditional OSS solutions.

“Nowhere else can configuration data, product and services descriptors, order management processes, configure-price-quote attributes, and data on both physical and virtual network assets be combined and correlated,” said author Tim McElligott, Senior Consulting Analyst within the Stratecast Operations, Orchestration, Data Analytics & Monetization practice. “Catalogs can support both ETSI and TM Forum specifications and information models.”

“Sigma believes that advances in virtualization must ultimately be supported by an operational infrastructure that enables service providers to quickly monetize benefits. Sigma provides a catalog-driven, standards-based solution that automates much of the capability definition, offer launch, quoting, ordering and service delivery processes for service providers. The Sigma solution helps to bridge the world of traditional services on legacy networks with the virtualized capabilities of NFV/SDN,” said Catherine Michel, Chief Technology Officer at Sigma Systems.

To learn more and access the full report, click here.

About Sigma Systems ( sigma-systems.com or Twitter @SigmaSystems)

Sigma Systems is the fastest path to creating, selling and delivering digital products and services. The company’s portfolio spans enterprise-wide product & service catalog, configure price quote, order management, service provisioning and device management – all of which can be deployed in the cloud or on-premise. Sigma software is enabling product innovation and business agility at large communications, media and high-tech service providers globally.


Sigma Systems
Noor Manji, 416-943-9696
Manager, Corporate Communications

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