14:48 uur 17-05-2017

OT werkt samen met Hoomano aan veilige robotconnecties voor uiteenlopende innovatieve doeleinden

COLOMBES, Frankrijk–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OT (Oberthur Technologies), een wereldwijd toonaangevende provider van ingebouwde beveiligingssoftware, heeft vandaag zijn samenwerking met Hoomano aangekondigd. Hoomano is pionier in sociale robotica en specialiseert zich in roboticasoftware voor praktische interactie. De twee bedrijven werken samen aan de introductie van nieuwe services voor het Internet der Dingen en robotica in een veilige omgeving.

OT en Hoomano combineren hun expertise ten behoeve van nieuwe robot-agnostische softwaresystemen in een beveiligde hardwareomgeving. Hoomano optimaliseert sociale robots al met behulp van kunstmatige intelligentie, zodat het algemene publiek en robots instinctief op elkaar kunnen reageren. OT zorgt er met zijn systeem niet alleen voor dat de robots zo goed mogelijk reageren op mensen, maar ook dat ze profiteren van optimale verbindingen en een mate van vertrouwen die essentieel is voor sectoren als retail, financiële dienstverlening, horeca en de gezondheidszorg.



OT Partners with Hoomano to Securely Connect Robots and Deploy a Wide Range of Innovative Use Cases

COLOMBES, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OT (Oberthur Technologies), a leading global provider of embedded security software products and services, today announces its partnership with Hoomano, a pioneer in social robotics, focused on real-world interaction robotic software, to deploy new services in a secure environment for the Internet-of-Things and the Robotics space.

Through this partnership, OT and Hoomano bring together their expertise to develop robot-agnostic software solutions in a secured hardware environment. Hoomano already enhances social robots with artificial intelligence, so that the general public and robots can interact instinctively. With OT’s solution, robots will not only interact in the best possible way, they will also benefit from an optimized connectivity and essential level of trust to answer requirements of industries such as Retail, Banking, Hospitality & Healthcare.

At the INNOROBO event, OT and Hoomano will showcase customized and seamless user experience through a plethora of services emerging thanks to robotics: easy and automatic train subscription renewal to avoid queuing at counters and customized user experience in shops and banks for example.

Thanks to this partnership we will bring secured connectivity solutions for the Internet-of-Things and Social robots. OT’s ambition is to enable robot or device manufacturers not only to connect their objects, but also to deploy customized services in a trusted way.”, said Marc Bertin Chief Technology Officer at OT.

“Connectivity and security are key enablers to deploy the most engaging, instinctive interactions and build mutual trust with our customers.” said Xavier Basset, Founder & CEO atHoomano.

BlackBox for Robotics on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSqbRuUs6LY

Come and discover secured and interactive services for robotics at The INNOROBO event, in Paris, France, May 16-18 on Hoomano’s booth #Q10 Dock Pullman.

OT is a world leader in embedded digital security that protects you when you connect, authenticate or pay.

OT is strategically positioned in high growth markets and offers embedded security software solutions for “end-point” devices as well as associated remote management solutions to a huge portfolio of international clients, including banks and financial institutions, mobile operators and governments, as well as manufacturers of connected objects and equipment.

OT employs over 6,500 employees worldwide, including almost 700 R&D people. With a global footprint of 4 regional secure manufacturing hubs and 39 secure service centers, OT’s international network serves clients in 169 countries. For more information : www.oberthur.com

All you need to know about the latest trends of the Mobility world, available on AppStore and Google Play



Hoomano is a pioneer in social robotics, focused on real-world interaction robots software. Hoomano design, develops and deploys software for social robots like Pepper and Nao (Softbank Robotics), Buddy (Blue Frog Robotics), Heasy (Hease Robotics), and Cozmo (Anki). Since 2014, their customers in retail, banking, transportation and healthcare are using every day social robots “powered by Hoomano”. The R&D team is focused on enhancing interactions with artificial intelligence. Hoomano has its headquarter in Lyon, France and an office in Tokyo, Japan.
For more information: www.hoomano.com


Chloé Tisseuil, Tél. : +33 1 86 21 50 54
chloe.tisseuil@elanedelman.com< br/>or
Tél. : +33 825 950 800

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