16:14 uur 31-05-2017

Airlab pakt moderniseringsprobleem van Chinese maakindustrie aan met innovatieve technici

GUANGZHOU, China–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Guangzhou Airlab Co. Ltd heeft bijna een jaar gewerkt aan de vorming van een groep van achtduizend technici die de efficiënte toepassing van nieuw geïmporteerde technologieën in Chinese fabrieken faciliteren, waardoor deze veel besparen op kosten, personeel en tijd en toch het gewenste resultaat behalen.

China heeft de meest veelzijdige industrie, die zich uitstrekt over alle industriële categorieën die de Verenigde Naties hanteren, waarvan 39 grote categorieën, 191 sub-categorieën en 525 sub-klassen. Hoewel de industriële sector groot is, is deze niet sterk. De bruto invoerwaarde van China bedroeg in 2016 1.587,48 miljard dollar. Daarvan bedroeg de industriële invoerwaarde 1.177,33 miljard dollar, wat gelijkstaat aan 74,2 procent van het totaal.


Airlab to Address China’s Manufacturing Update Challenge With Innovative Engineers

GUANGZHOU, China–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Guangzhou Airlab Co. Ltd spent nearly one year to build a community of over 8,000 engineers to facilitate the efficient application of newly imported technologies in Chinese manufacturing enterprises, saving them a great deal of money, work force and time while achieving desired results.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170531005773/en/

Airlab's pioneering mode makes the communication between innovators and manufacturers easier (Graphi ... Airlab’s pioneering mode makes the communication between innovators and manufacturers easier (Graphic: Business Wire)

China boasts the most versatile industry system covering all industrial categories listed by the United Nations, including 39 major categories, 191 sub-categories and 525 sub-classes. However, it is large yet not strong: in 2016, China’s gross import value amounted to USD 1,587.48 billion, among which the industrial import value was USD 1,177.33 billion, accounting for as high as 74.2% of the total.

The manufacturing industry now is experiencing a reversed transmission of pressure, in that the downstream enterprises urge upstream enterprises to upgrade their technologies to meet demands from the downstream markets and fence off overseas rivals.

Technology innovation is difficult, and so is technology import for Chinese enterprises in an attempt to upgrade the manufacturing industry. One of the bottlenecks lies in the application of the foreign technologies in the typical Chinese enterprises and market.

This is what repeatedly happens when a foreign technology is imported to China — the Chinese production team and the foreign technical team blame each other over the application issues, which leads to a slowed production process or even a standstill and ultimately costs the Chinese enterprises much more money, work force and time than expected while failing to yield desired results.

These problems in the application and integration of the imported technologies are still bothering most Chinese entrepreneurs and reformists. Fortunately, compared to foreign technology innovators, Chinese engineers know better how to adapt and innovate technologies based on China’s unique market demand, and many of them have proved it with successful cases.

Tommy Lin, Founder of Airlab, has been involved in multiple cases in which imported technologies were adapted, innovated and optimized to suit the need of China’s manufacturing upgrade. For example, his team introduced the multi-functional polyester resin newly developed by Bostik to China and created application projects such as reflective materials, FPC and solar backsheets for different application scenarios.

Airlab’s creative and approachable community can well serve as a lubricant for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to smoothly integrate with overseas technologies. With a knowledge of the bottlenecks of China’s manufacturing upgrade, the underlying reasons for the imported technology application issues and the value of the innovative engineers, Airlab will leverage the innovative power of the engineer community to accelerate China’s manufacturing update and seek mutual benefits for both Chinese and overseas manufacturing industries.

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Guangzhou Airlab Co. Ltd
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