14:14 uur 02-06-2017

Ontwikkeling op kapitaalmarkten: recordmaand met 10 deals via Dealogic Connect!

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Banken en hun investerende cliënten hebben in mei duidelijke taal gesproken: ze verkozen Dealogic, een bedrijf in financiële platforms, voor elektronische verbindingen ten behoeve van tien grote, internationale transacties.

Dealogic Connect groeit snel. Het platform stelt investeerders in staat via de elektronische weg hun interesse kenbaar te maken, maar ook om activiteiten aan de verkoopkant te evalueren. “Het verheugt ons dat de sector Connect zo snel omarmt”, zei Jody Drulard, hoofd productontwikkeling. “We zien dat grote primaire aandelenemissies, zoals de grootste Europese beursgang van een telecombedrijf van dit jaar, leiden tot orders. We hebben op onlangs zelfs de eerste order voor joint bookrunners via Connect en de eerste elektronische transactie in Azië gehad.”



Capital Markets Evolution: A Record Month! 10 Deals on Dealogic Connect

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Banks and their investment firm clients spoke loudly in May: they chose financial platform company Dealogic to connect them electronically on 10 major deals—globally.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170601005222/en/

How Dealogic Connect works (Graphic: Business Wire)How Dealogic Connect works (Graphic: Business Wire)

Dealogic Connect, which allows investors to place electronic indications of interest as well as reconcile and evaluate all sellside-provided activities, is growing fast. “We’re pleased at how quickly the industry is adopting Connect,” said Jody Drulard, Chief Product Officer. “We’re seeing major IPOs, like the largest telecom IPO in Europe this year, open for orders. In fact, we just had the first orders to joint bookrunners on Connect and the first electronic deal in Asia.”

One reason behind Dealogic Connect’s rapid adoption is the need for firms to comply with MiFID II directives by January 2018. This regulation requires research unbundling and associated proof of no inducements by banks to investors.

Dealogic Connect offers:

  • Allocation Justification: banks can demonstrate order timing and allocation rationale
  • Transaction Reporting: banks and investors get a full set of terms, identifiers, and details on deals to comply with regulatory reporting needs
  • Resource Reconciliation: investors can demonstrate a full audit trail of all resources received, consumed, and valued.

Dealogic Connect ensures consistency and accuracy for banks and investors, and reduces risk—looking at the same data whether placing orders or reconciling resources means fewer mistakes and greater transparency. Furthermore, aligning banks and investors around universal processes reassures regulators.

Innovation and client focus are at the heart of Dealogic product development. Given the company’s unique connectivity between the buyside and sellside, no other firm can ensure the capital markets are prepared for MiFID II in advance of January 2018.

For more information on Dealogic, visit http://www.dealogic.com/.

About Dealogic

Dealogic offers integrated content, analytics, and technology via targeted products and services to financial firms worldwide. Whether working in capital markets, sales and trading, banking, or on the buyside, firms rely on Dealogic’s platform to connect and more effectively identify opportunities, execute deals, and manage risk. With 30 years’ experience and a deep understanding of financial markets, Dealogic is a trusted global partner.


Ed Jones, 212-577-4511

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