10:54 uur 13-06-2017

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo biedt belevenissen in vrijetijdskimono (Yukata) aan

Een rijkere culturele belevenis voor buitenlandse gasten

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, een van de meest prestigieuze internationale hotels van Japan in Tokio, werkt vanaf 13 juni 2017 samen met JTB Japan Travel Corp. en Keio Department Store Co., Ltd. aan het “Easy Kimono (Yukata) Experience Plan”. Dit project maakt deel uit van het “Sunrise Tour Plan” van JTB Group, gericht op buitenlandse bezoekers. Hotelpersoneel biedt Japanse yukata (een vrijetijdskimono) te huur aan en helpt gasten foto’s te nemen in het hotel. Daarna hebben gasten de gelegenheid hun yukata te dragen naar verscheidene bestemmingen buiten ons hotel. Deze service is in het leven geroepen om gasten tegemoet te komen in hun wens de Japanse cultuur te ervaren. Dit is een van de vele belevenissen die het hotel aanbiedt, zoals een Japanse bruiloftsceremonie in kimono, een theeceremonie en andere evenementen.



Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo Starts Casual Kimono (Yukata) Experience

Providing Richer Cultural Experiences to Overseas Guests

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, will collaborate with JTB Japan Travel Corp. and Keio Department Store Co., Ltd. to provide the “Easy Kimono (Yukata) Experience Plan” as part of the JTB Group’s “Sunrise Tour Plan” targeting overseas visitors from June 13, 2017. Our hotel staff will provide rental Japanese yukata (casual kimono) and will help guests take photographs within our hotel. Thereafter, guests can wear their yukata to visit various destinations outside of our hotel. This service is provided to raise the customer satisfaction of overseas visitors by fulfilling their growing desire to experience Japanese culture, and is one of numerous experience programs offered by our hotel including Japanese wedding kimono experience, tea ceremony experience and other events.

Two plans will be offered, including the standard yukata plan for both male and female guests (JPY5,400 per guest) and the premium yukata plan for female guests (JPY7,000 per guest). Both plans include traditional Japanese accessories including “geta” shoes, “kanzashi” ornamental hair combs, and “kinchaku” handbags. Reservations for this experience program will begin being taken from June 13, 2017 at the JTB Sunrise Tours desk within our hotel and via the website. The rental yukatas and assistance in wearing them will be provided at the “Keio Department Store Costume Office” located on the third floor of the hotel. Also, staff will help guests take photographs at scenic photographic spots within our hotel before leaving the hotel to enjoy various destinations around Tokyo dressed in yukata.

The fact that overseas visitors from over 100 different countries account for approximately 75% of total guests is a reflection of the Keio Plaza Hotel’s efforts to make guests’ stays as comfortable and enjoyable as possible through the provision of various Japanese cultural experience programs, including live “koto” Japanese harp performances, Japanese craft exhibitions, and tea ceremonies, in addition to complimentary Wi-Fi, exchange for 14 different foreign currencies and other services. The “Easy Kimono (Yukata) Experience Plan” has been created in response to the popularity of the “Japanese Wedding Kimono Experience Plan” started in October 2015 and to provide guests with a more casual way to experience traditional Japanese fashion.

Full Version of Press Release


Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo
Sunaho Nakatani, +81-3-5322-8010
Public Relations Manager

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