17:30 uur 20-07-2017

T-Morpho ontvangt CSPN certificatie voor geïmplementeerde secure element IoT

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OT-Morpho, wereldleider in digital security en identificatie technologie, maakt bekend dat het geïnmplementeerde secure element dat speciaal ontwikkeld is voor Internet of Things (IoT), IoThrive Tiny SE+, het hoogste niveau CSPN 1 security certification heeft gekregen. IoThrive Tiny SE+ is het eerste secure element in zijn soort dat dit certificaat, uitgegeven door het Franse agentschap ANSSI 2, in bezit heeft.

OT-Morpho ontwikkelde IoThrive Tiny SE+ om identiteiten te beheren en data veilig te stellen in ieder non-cellular netwerk. In de snel groeiende markt voor IoT zijn certificatie en product security validation van evident belang. Vooral in een tijd waarin ieder apparaat een doelwit is voor hackers.

OT-Morpho Receives CSPN Certification for Its Embedded Secure Element for IoT

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OT-Morpho, a world leader in digital security and identification technologies, today announced that its embedded secure element designed for the Internet of Things (IoT),
IoThrive Tiny SE+, has obtained
the highest level CSPN
1 security certification.
IoThrive Tiny SE+ is the first embedded secure element of its kind to receive this certification awarded by the French security agency ANSSI

OT-Morpho developed the IoThrive Tiny SE+ to manage identities and secure data in any non-cellular network. In the rapidly evolving IoT market, product security validation and certification is critical, especially in an age where every device can now become a target for hackers. Being able to guarantee privacy and security in the Internet of Things will be key for the market success of connected objects.

In contrast to other programs, CSPN certification covers not only the hardware, but also the software of the product. It confirms the security robustness of the whole IoThrive Tiny SE+ product. Jean-Yves Bernard,
Security Manager at StarChip, a subsidiary of OT-Morpho, explained:
“To achieve CSPN certification, all components of the solution were tested with means and methods that a hacker would use in the field. Passing these tests creates real confidence in our product’s ability to resist to any attack. This certification is yet another proof of our commitment to deliver products that can be fully trusted by our customers”.


OT-Morpho is a world leader in digital security & identification technologies with the ambition to empower citizens and consumers alike to interact, pay, connect, commute, travel and even vote in ways that are now possible in a connected world.

As our physical and digital, civil and commercial lifestyles converge, OT-Morpho stands precisely at that crossroads to leverage the best in security and identity technologies and offer customized solutions to a wide range of international clients from key industries, including Financial services, Telecom, Identity, Security and IoT.

With close to €3bn in revenues and more than 14,000 employees, OT-Morpho is the result of the merger between OT (Oberthur Technologies) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho) completed in 31 May 2017. Temporarily designated by the name “OT-Morpho”, the new company will unveil its new name in September of this year.

For more information:

www.morpho.com and

@Safran_Morpho and
@OT_TheMcompany on Twitter.


CSPN = Certification de Sécurité de Premier Niveau, i.e. First Level Security Certification For Information Technology Products More information




ANSSI = Autorité Nationale en matière de Sécurité et de défense des Systèmes d’Information, i.e.
French National Agency for Security in Information Systems. More information




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Isabelle de BUYER, T +
33 (0)1 30 20 22 67
TAHMISSIAN, T + 33 (0)1 58 47 90 54

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