10:49 uur 31-07-2017

Nieuwe GHX eInvoicing-oplossing helpt zorgverleners voldoen aan EU richtlijnen

BRUSSELS – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) kondigde vandaag een pan-Europese eInvoicing-oplossing aan die is ontworpen om zorgverleners te helpen voldoen aan elektronische factureringsregels. Met de nieuwe GHX eInvoicing kunnen leveranciers afgestemde facturen uitgeven en verzenden aan klanten en overheden van zorgverleners in heel Europa vanuit één verbinding. De GHX-oplossing, die werkt met de GHX Exchange Services, ondersteunt de eInvoicing eisen voor integriteit, authenticiteit, leesbaarheid en archivering volgens de BTW-richtlijn 2006/112 / ED en de elektronische factuurrichtlijn 2010/45 / EU. Het biedt ook een makkelijk te gebruiken portal voor klanten om elektronische facturen te openen, zelfs die zonder EDI-mogelijkheden.

New GHX eInvoicing Solution Helps Healthcare Suppliers Meet EU Directives

BRUSSELS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) today announced a pan-European eInvoicing solution designed to help healthcare suppliers meet electronic invoicing regulations. With the new GHX eInvoicing, suppliers can issue and send compliant invoices to healthcare provider customers and governments across Europe from one connection.

The GHX solution, which works with the GHX Exchange Services, supports the eInvoicing requirements for integrity, authenticity, legibility and archiving under the VAT Directive 2006/112/ED and the Electronic Invoice Directive 2010/45/EU. It also provides an easy-to-use portal for customers to access invoices electronically, even those with no EDI capabilities.

“Moving away from paper invoices and manual invoicing processes will be an advantage for healthcare suppliers across Europe. However, navigating through the complexity of the European marketplace and complying with the various regulations of the EU member states can be a significant challenge,” said Dr. Nedzad Fajic, president, GHX Europe. “The new GHX eInvoicing solution with its eInvoicing portal will deliver better visibility into the entire order-to-cash cycle, reduce manual processing and help suppliers deliver a better customer experience.”

By November 27, 2018, all EU countries are required to adopt Directive 2014/55/EU into local law, which calls for all invoices sent to hospitals to have ‘authenticity of origin, content integrity and eligibility’ by having business controls and/or electronic invoicing technology in place. GHX eInvoicing is designed to meet those requirements with a simple and efficient solution.

eInvoices will be sent through a supplier’s existing GHX Global Exchange connection and checked to validate content is in the required fields. The eInvoice will then be delivered to the relevant customers and government access points across Europe, with digital signatures and archiving where required for compliance. Non-EDI capable customers will also be able to receive invoices through the new eInvoicing portal, where they can manage and retrieve invoices in PDF format, as well as receive them via email.

The new eInvoicing solution includes:

  • Enabling any electronic invoice to be converted in the appropriate format with the appropriate information to comply with EU country-specific invoicing regulations.
  • Interoperates with the GHX Global Exchange and other GHX solutions for the full order-to-cash cycle to provide a one-stop solution for eInvoicing in Europe.
  • Automatically sends the compliant invoice to the appropriate public administration access point, as well as the appropriate customers.
  • A dedicated online portal that allows even non-EDI capable customers to see and download invoices.
  • Provides suppliers and their customers with access to current and past invoices all in one place.
  • Includes tracking and monitoring capabilities.


GHX eInvoicing is now generally available across Europe. For more information, contact Marcus Schiewe, Head of Supplier Sales, Europe, +49 (0) 211 301 88 300.

About GHX Europe

Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX), with its European headquarters in Brussels, drives costs out of healthcare with cloud-based supply chain management technology and services to help enable better patient care and savings by maximizing automation, efficiency, and accuracy of business processes. GHX offers European healthcare providers and suppliers an open and neutral electronic trading exchange that delivers procurement and accounts payable automation as well as other supply chain-related tools and services. For more information, visit www.ghx.com/europe/en and The Healthcare Hub.


Tier One Partners
Paula Timko, 508-826-1508

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