10:50 uur 23-08-2017

Digi Communications N.V. meldt publicatie van update inzake onderzoek door Roemeense Anti-Corruptiedienst (DNA)

BOEKAREST, Roemenië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In verband met het door de Roemeense Anti-Corruptiedienst (DNA) geïnitieerde onderzoek, waarover we de markt en onze beleggers op de hoogte hebben gesteld in de prospectus van de aandelenemissie van 26 april 2017, de aanvullende prospectus van 8 mei 2017 en in de daaropvolgende openbare rapporten, informeren we u dat de DNA de heer Ioan Bendei (vicevoorzitter van de raad van bestuur van RCS & RDS S.A., de dochteronderneming van het bedrijf (RCDS&RDS)), wegens de strafbare feiten omkoping en medeplichtigheid aan witwassen van geld, INTEGRASOFT S.R.L. (een dochteronderneming van RCS&RDS in Roemenië), wegens medeplichtigheid aan witwassen van geld, de heer Mihai Dinei (lid van de raad van bestuur van RCS&RDS) wegens medeplichtigheid aan omkoping en medeplichtigheid aan witwassen van geld, en de heer Serghei Bulgac (CEO van het bedrijf en algemeen directeur en voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van RCS&RDS) wegens het witwassen van geld, onder gerechtelijk toezicht zijn geplaatst.

De DNA heeft de rechtbank in Boekarest verzocht de door haar genomen preventieve voorzorgsmaatregelen in stand te houden, waaronder de op 25 juli 2017 ingestelde beslaglegging van twee stukken vastgoed in het bezit van RCS&RDS ter garantie van 13.714.414 lei (circa 3 miljoen euro).



Digi Communications N.V. Announces the Publishing of an Update to the Investigation by the Romanian National Anti-Corruption Directorate

BUCHAREST, Romania–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In connection with the investigation triggered by the Romanian National Anti-Corruption Directorate (“ DNA”), which we have previously disclosed to the market and to our investors in the initial public offering prospectus dated 26 April 2017, in the supplemental prospectus dated 8 May 2017 (together, the “Prospectus”), as well as in the subsequent public reports, we inform you that, based on the public release no 832/VIII/3 issued on 22 August 2017, the DNA sent to court under the judiciary control Mr. Ioan Bendei (Vice-president of the Board of Directors of RCS & RDS S.A. – the Company’s subsidiary („ RCS&RDS”)) in connection with the offences of bribery and accessory to money laundering, as well as RCS&RDS in connection with the offences of bribery and money laundering, INTEGRASOFT S.R.L. (one of RCS&RDS’s subsidiaries in Romania) in connection with the offence of accessory to money laundering, Mr. Mihai Dinei (member of the Board of directors of RCS&RDS) in connection with the offences of accessory to bribery and accessory to money laundering, and Mr. Serghei Bulgac (Chief Executive Officer of the Company and General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of RCS&RDS) in connection with the offence of money laundering.

The DNA has requested the Bucharest Tribunal to maintain the preventive and precautionary measures instituted by the DNA, amongst which we recall the attachment of the two real estate assets pertaining to RCS&RDS to secure an amount of up to Lei 13,714,414 (approximately € 3 million) that was instituted by the DNA on 25 July 2017.

We strongly believe that RCS&RDS, INTEGRASOFT S.R.L. and their current and former officers have acted appropriately and in compliance with the law, and we restate that we will defend against all the above allegations.

We do not expect these measures to interfere with the Company’s, RCS&RDS’s or any of their subsidiaries’ business in any material manner.

For details regarding the current report, please access the official websites designated of Digi: http://investors.rcs-rds.ro and www.digi-communications.ro.

About Digi Communications NV

Digi is the parent holding company of RCS & RDS, a leading provider of pay TV and telecommunications services in Romania and Hungary. In addition, RCS & RDS provides mobile services as an MVNO to the large Romanian communities living in Spain and Italy.


For Digi Communications NV
Serghei Bulgac
Phone no: +4031 400 4444
ipo.relations@digi-communicat ions.ro

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