17:26 uur 25-08-2017

Philogen gaat onderzoekssamenwerking met Servier aan op vlak van DNA-gecodeerde chemie

SIENA, Italië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Philogen S.p.A., een niet-beursgenoteerd biotechnologiebedrijf, heeft bij monde van zijn Zwitsers dochteronderneming Philochem AG aangekondigd samen te werken met Servier. De twee partijen doen samen onderzoek naar nieuwe therapieën op basis van kleine moleculen. Dit gebeurt met behulp van het gepatenteerde platform ESAC en technologie voor DNA-gecodeerde chemie.

“We zijn erg blij met deze samenwerking met Servier, een van de grootste onafhankelijke farmaciegroepen ter wereld met een geweldige traditie in therapieën op basis van kleine moleculen. We hopen dat onze technologie voor DNA-gecodeerde chemie en het platform ESAC bijdragen aan innovatieve behandelingen voor serieuze medische behoeften waarvoor nog geen remedie voorhanden is”, zei hoogleraar Dario Neri, medeoprichter en voorzitter van de wetenschappelijke raad van Philogen.



Philogen Announces Research Collaboration with Servier in the Field of DNA-Encoded Chemistry

SIENA, Italy–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Philogen S.p.A., a privately owned biotechnology company, today announced through its wholly owned Swiss subsidiary, Philochem AG, a collaboration with Servier to discover new small molecule-based therapeutics using Philochem’s proprietary ESAC platform and DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology.

“We are extremely pleased to establish a new collaboration with Servier, one of the largest independent pharmaceutical groups worldwide, with a great tradition in small-molecule based therapeutics. We hope our DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology and ESAC platform will contribute to bring innovative treatment for serious unmet medical needs.” commented Prof. Dario Neri, co-founder and President of the Scientific Advisory Board of Philogen.

No financial details of the agreement were released.

About the Philogen group

Philogen is a Swiss-Italian clinical-stage company engaged in the discovery and development of novel pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products. Philogen’s strategy is to deliver bioactive agents, for example cytokines or drugs, to the site of disease using antibodies and other ligands that specifically and efficiently target stromal antigens. This technology has generated a strong proprietary pipeline of clinical-stage products and also pre-clinical compounds in an array of disease indications. Philogen is headquartered in Siena, Italy, and has research activities at its subsidiary company Philochem in Zürich, Switzerland. Philogen is independently owned, and has signed agreements with several major pharmaceutical companies. For more information please visit www.philogen.com.

About Philochem’s ESAC platform and DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology

The proprietary ESAC platform and DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology were developed by Philochem scientists in collaboration with the group of Prof. Dario Neri at ETH Zurich during the past decade. These two powerful and complementary discovery technologies allow to screen up to billions small molecules compounds in a very fast and efficient manner, and to further optimize the hit compounds in a fully automatic, DNA-tagged, fragment-based drug discovery manner.


Monica Patti

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