Leuk en functioneel Helsinki – eenvoudigweg de beste thuisstad voor het Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau
HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Helsinki is de meest leefbare stad in de Noordse landen en staat negende op de wereldwijde ranglijst van leefbare steden. Het is die kwaliteit van leven die Helsinki, als veilige en functionele stad, een groot voordeel biedt in zijn strijd om de nieuwe thuishaven van het Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau te worden. Het dagelijks leven is gemakkelijk, kinderen kunnen lopend naar school en het cultureel en culinair aanbod is groot. Helsinki is ook aantrekkelijk om zijn rust en gemoedelijkheid, de nabijheid van natuur en het algehele opgeruimdheid.
De hoge kwaliteit van leven in Helsinki is niet alleen een indruk; het is ook gemeten. In de meest recente index van de Economist Intelligence Unit belandde Helsinki op de negende plek als meest leefbare stad ter wereld en de nummer een in de Noordse regio. In de index zijn 140 steden opgenomen.
Fun and Functional Helsinki – Simply the Best New Home for the EMA |
HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Helsinki is the most liveable city in the Nordic region and the ninth best in the world. Safe and functional, Helsinki’s advantage as it competes to become the new home of the European Medicines Agency is precisely the quality of life here. Everyday life is easy, kids can walk to school, and there is lots of great urban and food culture. Helsinki is also appealing because of its peace and quiet, its proximity to nature and its overall cleanliness. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170913005978/en/
The high quality of life in Helsinki is not just an impression; it has also been measured. In the latest index published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Helsinki was ranked as the 9th most liveable city in the world and number one in the Nordic region. The index covered 140 cities altogether. Finland is consistently among the top performers in the PISA student assessment study. Helsinki has a world-class education system and numerous international schools. The city is also expanding its English-language daycare and education services. The European School of Helsinki is also adding capacity. The City of Helsinki’s vision is to be the most functional city in the world. Life in Helsinki is easy, because Finnish society is open and functional. For digital companies too, Helsinki is a positive, environmentally friendly and creative smart city even on the global scale. This impression is backed up by the quality of life indexes published by Mercer, The Economist and Monocle. Helsinki also has the most satisfied residents compared to any other European capital when it comes to the quality of their own lives, the place they live and the sports opportunities in their hometown. Helsinki is home to the European Chemicals Agency Another strength of Helsinki is that it is already home to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The five hundred employees and directors of the agency appreciate the city’s efficiency, functionality, excellent transport infrastructure and the fact that everything in the city is nearby. The ECHA has the lowest turnover of employees of any EU agency, suggesting that people who come to Helsinki want to stay here. Combining work and free time here is straightforward. Online Helsinki for EMA website: http://www.emahelsinki.fi/ Helsinki for EMA – video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIQ0DPzGimk&t=52s Finland’s application Helsinki is a perfect place for kids to grow up https://beta.myhelsinki.fi/en/work-and-study/work/helsinki-is-a-perfect-place-for-kids-to-grow-up #emahelsinki Summary of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2017 Global Liveability Report http://www.eiu.com/topic/liveability View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170913005978/en/ Contacts City of Helsinki |